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Requested by: Misakii_626

I'm not gonna lie to you guys- I completely forgot this man existed. Like, I saw the name and my brain was just like "Who the fuck is that?"

Luckily, I remember now, and can write this no problem!

Also, yes, I'm back! It might be a bit until I start updating every day again, but I'm back! :D

(One last thing. I don't know too much about this guy's personality, like, I know the basics of how he acts, but that's it. So if there are any points where he acts out of character, it's because of that. Sorry!)

| Shadows |

"Hey (Y/N), I feel I should let you know that I'm having some friends over." Your brother, Denki, told you.

"Oh really? Who?" You asked, curiously.

"Well, here's the thing. I know one person who's gonna be here."

"... Huh...?"

"S-so the thing is, I invited my friend, Kirishima, then told him to invite one person he knows, and then told him that that friend can invite one person." Denki explained. "So, we're gonna have three people over, and I know one out of the three people."

"Of fucking course." You said, disappointed. "Well, I guess you're gonna ask me to help you?" Denki nodded. "Fine."

You two cleaned the house for about an hour, and then you heard the doorbell.

"Hm..." you stared off into space for a second. "Hey, Denki... how about we do a fun game?" You asked.

"A game? I'm listening."

"What if I answer the door, and see how long it takes for them to realize I'm not you?" You asked, a devious smile on your face. You two were twins, identical twins, more specifically. One of the only things that separated you two was the fact that you, well, how do you say it... let's just say you have 'huge boobs, I mean some serious honkers, a real set of badonkers, packin some dobonhonkeros, massive dohoonkabhankoloos, big old tonhongerekoogers'. Despite that, you two were still confused for each other often.

"Ooh! I'm in!" Denki told you, enthusiastically.

You walked over to the door, snickering to yourself.

You opened the door, and saw three people.

The first one was someone you were able to recognize from some photos Denki had. It was his classmate, Kirishima.

The second one looked similar to Kirishima, but his hair was a silver grey, his eyes were dark grey, he had... exceptionally large eyelashes, and... no eyebrows, apparently.

The third one had ptich-black skin, and white hair.

"Hey Kaminari! Thanks for inviting us over!" Kirishima said.

"Yeah, no probs!" You responded, imitating Denki's voice best you could.

Kirishima hugged you. It felt like he was going to snap you in half like a twig.

"Hm... this feels different than normal..." Kirishima said, sounding suspicious. He pulled himself away from you, and his eyes looked you up and down. His eyes stopped at your chest. "Oh wow." He said, looking back up at your face. "Wait a second... i-is this what I think it is? Denki, are you- did you- have I- if this is what I think it is, Denki, I'm sorry for finding out like this! I know you probably would have preferred telling me, I-I'm so sorry! I feel like this is infringing on your privacy!" Kirishima said, clearly nervous.

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