𝔇𝔢𝔫𝔨𝔦 𝔎𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔦

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About that video... I saw it at 1am, and it fucking destroyed me. Maybe I was just at that point in the night where literally anything is funny, but I was laughing super hard at it

On a slightly more sad note, things are getting worse for me, like mental health wise. But luckily, Summer break is coming up soon, and I'm getting the vaccine on June 3rd, so... hopefully things will get better soon! I'm really hoping that, once I don't have to worry about school, I'll feel at least a bit better. And since I'm getting the vaccine soon, I'm really hoping that I'll be able to see my friends again.

Anyways, just to, like, de-stress myself... I really just want to write something violent.

| Fake Crying |

"Please... I p-promise I won't do it again! I don't know what came over me, I swear!" You were on your knees, begging and pleading. Your tears stained the end of his jacket you were holding. "I'll never try to kill you again, Kaminari!" He sighed, and ripped his jacket away from you.

"I don't believe you. Not one bit."

"N-no! Please! You have to believe me this time!" You yelled, grabbing the jacket again. "Hey, to make it up to you, I-I'll do whatever you want! I'll tell you that I love you fifteen times a night, I'll play along with all those weird kinks you have, I'll lick the dishes clean, I'll even blow you right here right now if you want!" You pleaded. You were getting desperate.

"Getting desperate, are we?" He mockingly asked you. "That's so cute, (Y/N)~" he lifted his leg backwards, and kicked you right in the face.

You fell backwards, moaning in pain. You raised your hand to your face. It definitely felt bruised.

You pushed yourself off of the floor. You'd stand up, but right before the chapter started, Kaminari had broken your leg.

He dropped down in front of you. His smile looked like one you'd see on a child in a horror movie. That strange, unsettling smile, where they want to imply the child might be possessed, but you still don't know for sure.

"P-please... please no, don't..." you tried to say something, but your panic just wouldn't let you. You tried pushing yourself away, but you did get very far. "I w-won't... just please..." your crying became heavier as Kaminari's smile gradually became more unsettling and creepy. "Please don't kill me, K-Kaminari....!"

"Oh! You think I want to kill you?" Kaminari giggled, and hugged you. You felt him stroke the back of your head with his hand, as if he were a parent calming their child. "I would never kill you, my sadly-not-biblically-accurate angel..." he pulled himself back from you. Now that you felt more calm, his smile looked more... innocent.

"You... w-wouldn't...?" You slowly asked. Kaminari used one of his hands to wipe the tears off of your face.

"No, of course not." After hearing that, a smile made its way to your face. Maybe  he'll forgive you? Kaminari has always been rather forgiving, so... maybe... this will end well...? "In fact..."

Kaminari placed his hand on his shoulder, so tight that his nails had clearly pierced your skin, as when you looked at our shoulder, there were trace amounts of blood spilling out of your skin.

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