𝔈𝔦𝔧𝔦𝔯𝔬 𝔎𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔞

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ok, this isn't the chapter I was talking about earlier, but I just had a really good  idea~ >:3

Also, I love how whenever Kirishima does something, like, violent, or bad, or whatever, you guys are just like "Kiri, that wasn't very manly of you..." it's so fucking funny to me, and I don't know why.

| Vampire Cannibal Murder Island |

Just run.

There's nothing else you can do anymore!

If you stop running, he'll catch you.

And you can't let that happen...

If he catches you now, you'll be met with unimaginable torture.

You ran as fast as you possibly could.

Your feet hit the pavement one after another as you continued your escape.

Your sharp breaths almost echoed in the empty street.

Sweat dripped down your face, as you'd been running for at least an hour.

The worst part about that is that you had a cramp from running so long.





You looked behind you, and saw...

Kirishima had just... disappeared.

You stopped in your tracks.

Even if you wanted to, you felt the cramp in your lower abdomen worsen, and realized it's probably better to keep running.

"WATCH OUT, (N/N)~!" You heard Kirishima scream.

You looked up to the rooftops, and saw Kirishima falling out of the sky.

He slammed into the ground, and you stumbled backwards.

You fell straight on your ass (dumb bitch...), and you definitely tried to stand  up, but...

"Ow ow ow ow ow..." You said. You definitely shouldn't have ran for so long, but... what else were you supposed to do?! Kirishima wants to do one of the worst things he possibly could to you!

"(Y/N)..." Kirishima said, lifting his head up from the ground. He was bleeding slightly, and smiling sadistically.  You could see the crazed look in his eyes.

Kirishima had you right where he wanted you.

He broke himself out of the pavement, and slowly crawled towards you, his heavy breaths somehow letting you know exactly what he was thinking.

"I did it... she's mine, and that's all she'll ever be. I have her, right here, right within my grasp, I can do whatever I want to her now~"

He smiled, showing all of his sharp teeth, which can almost definitely tear through human flesh. He blushed as he continued crawling towards you, drooling over the thought of what he was going to do to you.

He pushed you down,so you were lying on the pavement, and he threw his hands down onto the cement above your shoulders, as if he were pinning you against a wall, except you're on the ground. Looking to the side, you saw the pavement crack under the pressure of his hardened hands being slammed down so hard.

Terrified, you looked back up at Kirishima. His breathing became even heavier, as he laughed under his breath. He leaned down, placing his head next to yours, the rest of his body collapsing onto you.

"I caught you, (N/N)... I won... and now.., I can do whatever I want with you~"

"W-what are you going to do to me...?" You asked, feeling a chill go down your spine as Kirishima slipped one of his hands under your neck.

"I'm going to do the worst thing I possible can..." he whispered seductively.

"A-a-and... what's that...? What's the w-worst thing you c-c-can d-do...?" You nervously asked. He laughed, moving his hand from under your neck, to on your chest, dragging his finger down from your chest to your stomach.

"I think you know."

You gulped, realizing exactly what he was about to do.

He raised himself off of you, and the words you heard next were.. 





"I'm gonna force you to watch my favourite bad movie with me! Vampire Cannibal Murder Island!!" Kirishima excitedly yelled.


"Oh don't scream like that." He said, annoyed. "You know what our deal was! If you can outrun me, I have to be your personal servant for a day. But if I catch you, I can do whatever I want to you! And I decided, we're watching Vampire Cannibal Murder Island together." Kirishima grabbed you up from the ground, and slung you over his shoulder.

"B-but you told me that was a terrible movie! I don't want to watch that! It's like torture!!" You cried out.

"Yeah, that's why I'm making you watch it. You're gonna fucking hate it, and it's gonna be hilarious."

Well, anyways, that's how you ended up watching "Vampire Cannibal Murder Island", possibly one of the worst movies you've ever seen.

(Super fast voice like at the end of commercials) weregrettoinformyouthatvampirecannibalmurderislandisnotarealmovieanditneverwillbe

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