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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

So, I'm playing SDR2, and I just finished chapter 4. (Character I'm not going to name because spoilers)'s execution made me cry. Like, not even exaggerating, I was basically crying waterfalls.

| Nice Girl |

This world can be so cruel to people.

So many people are suffering.

So many people you don't know.

So many people you can't help.

You realized that on a cold February night.

You realized that when you met him.

A boy that had lived a life so cruel, his mind had been warped in such a way that he forgot people can be kind to him. Warped in such a way that he thought everyone wanted to hurt him.

You were returning to school after leaving for the day.

It was the weekend, so it was ok... hopefully. You didn't exactly check with your teacher if you were allowed to leave school grounds for so long, but it was probably ok...

As your mind wandered while you walked, someone suddenly slammed into you.

Like, the kind of collision where you were able to tell they had been running extremely fast.

They got up from the ground, and just kept running.

"Eh? H-hey! Come back!" You yelled. For some reason, your mind needed to ask if they were ok after slamming into you like that. They did hit the ground super hard, and they looked kinda beat-up.

So, do to the fact that you were the character who would die first in a horror movie, you chased after them.

After running for five minutes, you finally caught up with them, after they ran into an alleyway. You were able to see them more clearly now. You were able to tell they were male, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was stained with tears, his body was covered in various scars, his hair was very messy, and all he was wearing were a pair of cuffed jeans.

"Are you o-" you tried to ask if he was ok, but he fell to the ground, covered his face with his arms, and started screaming.


"Huh? What are you talking about...? I'm not gonna hurt you." You told him, confused. He lowered his arms, looking up at you.

"You... you're not?" He quietly asked you.

"No, of course not." You informed him. "Why would I hurt you? And are you ok?"

"Am... am I ok...? I.... I'm not... I'm not ok at all...!" He told you, holding himself.

"Hm... alrighty, could you stand up for me?" You asked him. He slowly stood up, looking unsure of himself. You took off the coat you were wearing, and handed it to him.

"Huh? W-what are you-"

"It's the middle of February, and the only thing your wearing is some cuffed jeans. You're probably freezing, aren't you?" You asked. "Have my coat!"

"You're... you're just... giving it to me...?" He asked, grabbing the coat from you, and putting it on. "Um... th-thank you."

"Hey, you said you weren't ok, right? If you want to come with me, I could probably get you some help. Do you want to come w-"

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