ℑ𝔷𝔲𝔨𝔲 𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔶𝔞

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Requested by: weebyyy

Following the forest path, that's where the journey starts. A tea party with blue roses that's where the forest parts. The invite from the queen, it actually was... THE TRUMP CARD, THE ACE OF HEARTS!

(It's been such a long time since I listened to that, the lyrics might be wrong :P)

I'm vibing.

| Sing For Me |

People will realize you're missing eventually.

Someone will save you eventually.

A singer suddenly disappearing certainly seems like it'd be suspicious.

You can't wait for them to find you.

Your wrist is broken, everything hurts, and you want to cry, but you know better by now.

If he hears you start crying, or screaming, then he's already won.

So you silently sit in the corner of your room, trying to ignore the pain you're in.

How could he do this to you...?

You always knew he was... strange, keeping notes on everyone he knows, he definitely seemed like the stalker-type, but... he was so nice, you thought there was no way he actually was.

But, you know... looks can be deceiving.

You always felt uncomfortable around him, but you just thought you were being paranoid.


You had every right to feel uncomfortable, knowing that this is his true nature.

The door slowly creaks open, and you see him in the doorway.

He slowly smiles, and walks in the room.

"(Y/N)... are you ready for tonight...?" He asked you, kneeling down in front of you. "My mom's coming over for dinner to meet you. I tried lying and coming up with a reason as to why she can't come over, but I'm pretty sure she knew I was lying immediately."

"You've screwed yourself." You said, realizing that tonight... may just be exactly what you need. His smile faded, and he stared directly into your soul.

"You tell my mom what I've done to you and you'll have more than just your wrist broken."

... he's bluffing. He'd never do that to you.

He won't.

"So, (Y/N), please be on your best behaviour tonight... please come up with a believable lie as to why your wrist is broken, ok?" He asked, standing up, and then leaving the room.

So tonight, you were ready to finally get out.

All three of you sat at the dinner table together.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Midoriya." You said, awkwardly. The wrist that was broken was on your dominant hand, so eating's gonna be kinda hard...

"It's nice to finally be meeting you too, (Y/N)!" She smiled sweetly. "I'm glad Izu has someone he's in love with! He always had a hard time making friends, and I was worried he'd be alone forev-"

"HAHA OK THAT'S ENOUGH MOM!" Izuku suddenly yelled. "Alright, let's start talking about (Y/N)~!" His eyes slowly moved to look at you. He didn't move his head, just his wide eyes, and his smile didn't leave his face for a second. "Did you know that (Y/N) is a singer?" He asked.

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