ℑ𝔷𝔲𝔨𝔲 𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔶𝔞

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Finally, the... *ahem* i d e a  I mentioned in the Fantasy Toga chapter.

oh god oh fuck oh no I accidentally bled on the floor and now my bathroom looks like a murder scene

| Dollhouse |

Imagine if, while on a patrol on the last day of your internship, a villain basically went "hehe you are now teeny tiny".

That's what happened to you.

You dug your way out of your clothes, and looked up at everything around you.

"Fuck, I'm even smaller than normal." You angrily muttered. "HEY!! I'M DOWN HERE!!" You screamed up at the Hero you were interning with.

"Oh, I thought you just ceased to exist." He said, breathing a sigh of relief. "But it looks like we have a different problem on our hands now..."

You were brought back to the school early.

You, and the Hero you were with, were sitting in the principals office, explaining what happened.

Currently, the plan was to search for the villain that did this, and try to get them to undo it.

One of your classmates entered the office.

"You wanted me, principal Nezu?" She asked, walking inside.

"Ah, yes, thank you Yaoyorozu. You see, your classmate here has been shrunk to the size of a doll, and her uniform will not fit her." Nezu said, gesturing to you, who was sitting on the desk, still having most of your body covered up by the Hero costume you were wearing.

"Oh. I... I see." Yaoyorozu sounding slightly surprised. "Um... how do I...?" She thought to herself. She eventually sighed, and put her hand over the desk. "Alright, let's see if this works..."

You watched as she created a smaller version of the school's uniform.

"Oh, it did!" She said. "Well, I'm glad that worked!" Yaoyorozu picked up the tiny uniform, and dropped it over you, so you wouldn't have to get up, and expose your naked self. "There you go, (Y/N)!"

You put the clothes on, and... they fit perfectly!

"Thanks." You said to her.

When you got to class, you had to sit on your desk.

Jeez, you're gonna have to get used to this...

Everyone was gathered around your desk, confused as to why the hell you were so small.

"Awe, you're so small (Y/N)!" Midoriya said to you, patting your head with two of his fingers. "I mean, you're so small, I bet I could eat you!" He said excitedly.

"Uh, please don't, I'm not really into vore." You informed him.

"Huh? What's vore?" He asked. It was then that it hit you. He had never truly witnessed the horrors of the internet.

"Oh you poor innocent child..." you sadly said. "It's a kink involving someone being swallowed alive."

"... oh. Oh ok. A-alright, that... yeah, that makes... sense, I guess..." He said, sounding horrified.

Then, Todoroki walked in the classroom.

"Hm? What's going on? What's everyone looking at?" He asked.

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