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Me: I wanna watch season 5!
My brain: No you don't.
Me: Oh, I guess I don't want to, then!
My brain: Actually, you do.
Me: Ok, so can I watch it-
My brain: No.

Does anyone else have that dumb issue, or is it just me?

| Trial By Fire |

You have wings, but you can't fly.

Your parents always thought you'd hurt yourself, so they never let you fly.

They also never let you near any high areas.

But even with all that, you were determined to teach yourself to fly.

You were standing on the roof of a building, on a warm summer night.

"I c-can do this..." You told yourself. "Baby birds learn how to fly by doing this... I'm sure it'll work for me, too..." You took deep breaths, trying your hardest to stay calm.

You backed up, and readied yourself.

"T-trial by fire, right?"

You stretched your wings out, and prepared to give yourself a running start.

"I can do this!" You yelled, starting to run.

You ran to the edge, and jumped off the roof.

You tried to fly. It should be easy, right? If you know how to stretch out your wings, you should know how to flap your wings! It should be very easy!


Hey, you're getting kinda close to the ground.

Now would be a good time to start flying!


Ok, this isn't working.





Well, you've had a good life.

Time to accept the fact that you're about to die, say goodbye to everyone you've loved, and then hit the ground.

Suddenly, you weren't falling anymore.

Someone was holding you.

You looked up, and you saw... someone like you. He had blonde hair, gold eyes, red wings, and could fly perfectly. Whoever this is... if he isn't busy, maybe he can help you!

You were gently placed on the ground.

"Alright. You're welcome, no problem, no need to thank me, really, just doing my job ma'am or sir, ok, gotta go, bye!" He was about to take off again, but even though you know you're probably going to annoy him, you reached your hand out, and yelled


He turned around, and stared at you.

"Um, I'm sorry if you're busy, but... you can fly, right?" You nervously asked.

"Yep. Looks like you can too."

"I... I can't. I never learned how. But, you seem like you're good at flying, so, could you help me? I know this is probably super annoying, and you definitely have other things going on, and you have every right to say no..." you sighed, and turned the other way. "N-never mind, forget everything I just said. You look like you're busy, I'm sorry..." and you disappointedly walked away. Embarrassed about the fact that you actually asked someone about that, you were ready to stay in your house forever.

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