𝑻𝒆𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝑻𝒆𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒕𝒔𝒖

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Requested by: Thatgirlgammer100

So, uh, I've actually wanted to write a Tetsutetsu chapter for a while, I just haven't had any good ideas for one, so thanks to the person who requested this!

| Always Compared |

(Y/N) (L/N).

You were about to be a student at the prestigious UA Academy.

Now, how did you, of all people, get accepted into UA?

Well, it helped that both of your parents were Pro Heroes.

So, you had gotten in specifically through recommendations.

As you looked at the... guidebook? You didn't really know what it was... but, as you looked at it, you read it to yourself.

"Class 1-B, huh?" You asked yourself. You walked through the halls, trying to find your new classroom.

Eventually, you found it.

A large door with '1B' plastered on it.

You opened the large door, taking a look at your new classmates. One person in particular, he... when you saw him, when you locked eyes, you felt...you didn't know what you felt. He had silver hair, dark grey eyes, and... strangely large eyelashes.

So, you quickly looked away from him.

A few months passed, and your class seemed... normal enough.

And one day, while you were having lunch alone (as usual), that silver haired boy with the large eyelashes sat down with you.

"Oh! Hey Tetsutetsu, how's it going?" You asked. He sighed, placing his elbow on the table and leaning on his hand.

"I don't know..." He looked over at another table, where another boy was sitting with his group of friends. "I'm happy people know who we are now, but..." he sighed again. "Everyone keeps comparing me to him."

"Oh, Kirishima?" You asked. That was the name of the boy he had been staring at. He nodded, confirming that that was who he was talking about. "I admit, the two of you are kinda similar-"

"'Kinda similar' is surgarcoating it, (Y/N). It's like we're the same person, and that'd be cool normally, but... everyone is just comparing me to him." He said sadly. "I wanted to be friends with him, I really did, but I just... I hate everyone comparing us, I hate all of our similarities, I hate... him."

"And that's completely fine, Tetsutetsu." You told him. "I think you're your own person. And if you hate Kirishima, then you don't have to force yourself to be friends with him." Tetsutetsu looked at you, a look in his eyes that you couldn't understand.

"Thanks (Y/N), I needed that today." He told you, smirking. "And you know what? I'll even compliment you!"

"Oh, that's not neces-"

"(Y/N), if it weren't for everyone here, I'd have sex with you right now." as he was talking he slapped his hands on his mouth.

"Not a compliment, but thanks... I guess." You said to him.

"Yeah, I don't know what I just said, I'm sorry..."

A few days later, you decided to talk to him again.

"Hey Tetsutetsu!" You said to him. "Did you hear the news?"

"About Kirishima? Yeah, real tragedy..."

"What do you think killed him?"

"I don't know. Maybe being poisoned?"

"That's make sense..."

But little did you know, Tetsutetsu knew exactly what had killed him.



Hey guys!

In the process of writing this, I realized Tetsutetsu has no eyebrows.

I might have just been a blind idiot, but I actually didn't notice that until I was writing this!

If you're like me and didn't notice, go on, search up pictures of him. You'll see that he doesn't have any.

Weird, huh?

I really don't know how I didn't notice earlier...

Also, I ended up taking my fake nails off.

How anyone can do anything in those, I 'll never know.

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