𝒦𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊 & 𝐼𝓏𝓊𝓀𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶

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Requested by Rose_Of_Truth

I really hope you enjoy!

Nejire's comin' after this one!

(Also I just published an old fanfic I made when I was like... twelve, or something. It's terrible, but check it out, if you want.)

| Dangerous |

"H-hey! (Name)!" You heard a voice call. You turned around to see a green-haired boy from your class.

"Oh, hey. Izuku, right?" You asked, to which he nodded. "Jeez, I feel sorry for you about what happened today." You told him. "And... I'm... sorry for laughing at you. I was just doing it because everyone else was..." You explained, embarrassed.

"Yeah, t-that's what I assumed, you don't seem like the type of person to laugh at someone else." He said to you, looking away.

"Why would you think that though? We've never actually talked, aside from right now." You asked him, confused.

"Oh! Right! I j-just guessed! F-from how you act in class!" He told you nervously, probably trying his best to not sound like a creep. You laughed.

The two of you kept talking for a while, until you had to go your separate ways.

You walked down one street, turned down another, went a different way, and as you can probably guess, you got lost.

You knew you were still in the same city, you just didn't know where you were.

"Hey (Name)." You heard a mocking, angry sounding voice from behind you. You turned around, and there he was.

"K-katsuki-!" You yelled out in surprise. He gripped your forearm tightly, and then continued talking.

"I saw you were talking to Deku earlier. Mind telling me what that was about?" He asked, angrily.

"I-it isn't what you think! We were just-"

"Whatever you were doing..." He leaned closer, and whispered in your ear "If you talk to him again... I'll kill him and then you."

"Why-" You tried to ask him why he'd do that, but before you could, Katsuki set off one of his explosions on your arm. You yelled in pain, before asking "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Just giving you a warning." He simply said. He stroked the tender piece of skin that had been burnt, before he stopped the painless stroking, and scratched you right on the burn.

Just as he did, you ripped your arm away from him, and just started running.

Once you were a good way away from him, you sat down, and looked at your arm.

The burn mark had a vague hand-like shape, and the scratch mark looked like... well... it basically looked like the Monster Energy logo, but red, and on your arm.

You had planned to go to an indoor pool later, so you had a towel in your bag, so it'd at least stop the bleeding a bit.

It's not even that you wanted to stop the bleeding, as it wasn't even bleeding that much, you just hated the sight of blood.

You were finally able to find your way back home.

Your parents weren't home, so you had the house to yourself. Your mom was actually out of the country right now on a business trip, and your dad was currently too busy cheating on your mom to stay at home and take care of you.

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