𝑰𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒖 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒚𝒂

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Hey, you know how I was all like "hey I'm grounded so there probably won't be a chapter this weekend"?

Well I apparently lied!

My Mom thinks I'm doing homework rn, but I'm currently about to fail my class with a fucking seventeen percent, and there's no way I can change that in 2 days, so I have decided to just not try.

In other news, I know I said there was going to be a Todoroki chapter coming up, and that was what I was planning to write today, but I had a very sudden idea.

Also hey here's a TW for suicide in this chapter!

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You were secretly dating the boy that you and your friends constantly bullied.

Weird, huh?

Well, one day, the 'ring leader' of your group ended up telling him to kill himself.

As all of you stood outside your middle school, you started to talk.

"K-katsuki... don't you think you went a bit too far today...?" You cautiously asked.

"I kinda agree..." on of your other friends added.

"What, do you losers think Deku doesn't know how to take a joke?" Katsuki asked. "Did you guys think I'd say that and actually want him to?"

"Well, no, you've known him forever, but... still." You said. "I'll say it now. It was too far to tell him that."

"It's not like he'll actually do it." Katsuki told you. "Deku's not that type of per-"

You heard a heavy object hit the sidewalk behind you.

You were horrified.

There's no way... right...?

You turned around, but...

It was real.

You saw Deku's body lying on the sidewalk, a pool of bloo under him.

"Shit- ONE OF YOU CALL AN A,BULANCE!" Katsuki yelled. You frantically pulled out your phone, but then he told you "NEVER MIND, IT'LL TAKE TOO LONG TO GET HERE, I'M CARRYING HIM THERE!" He screamed. He picked up the body, slinging it over his shoulder, and starting to run.

You followed after him, and the two of you ran to the nearest Hospital.

Why did this have to happen?

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why






You didn't make it in time.

He was dead by the time you got to the hospital.

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