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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

The person who requested this, their requests are amazing.

| My Princess |

Tamaki Amajiki was a boy you knew well.

The only child of a very powerful family.

He lived a life completely cut off from the rest of the world, in one of his family's many castles.

Cut off from everyone in the world, including his parents, who lived in the capital of the country.

You were the child of one of the maids in the castle, and you were as old as Tamaki.

You were his only friend in the world.

"My princess has arrived!" He said happily as you entered the room.

"Hi Tamaki!" You greeted him. That was what he called you. 'My princess'

He was hit on the head gently by the servant who was sitting with him.

"Master Tamaki, please try to focus on your studying."

"Right, sorry..." Tamaki said, turning his head back to the book on the table.

"And you, (Y/N), don't you have anything else to do? Like learning how to clean the castle?"

"Oh right! Goodbye Mr. Sasaki! Goodbye Tamaki!" You said, going off to find your mother.

"Bye my princess!" You heard Tamaki yell to you as you ran off.

At night, you made your way to Tamaki's room, per his request.

"Hello my princess!" He said, smiling widely. He patted beside him on his large bed, and you sat on the bed beside him. He grabbed a book from the table beside his bed. "I found a cool book in the library, I thought you'd like it!"

"What is it about?" You asked, looking at the cover.

"I don't know yet... I haven't read it, I was waiting until I could read it with you!"

You moved closer to him, and listened as Tamaki read the story.

The two of you fell asleep together while reading.

One day, as you were collecting water from a stream, Tamaki kneeled down beside you.

"What are you doing here Tamaki?" You asked. "Your pants are gonna get all muddy..."

"I was told to look for animal footprints so I can learn to identify an animal just by its tracks." He explained, putting his hands in the rushing water. "But that's fairly boring."

You giggled, pulling the wooden bucket out of the water.

"That does sound boring."

"But I'm also learning how to hunt, and-" You watched him grab two things with his hand, intensely, and then pulled them out. He was holding two large salmons. "I'm getting really good at that!"

The two of you walked back to the castle, holding the bucket and the salmons.

On Tamaki's 12th birthday, something happened.

Something that caused Tamaki to be separated from his only friend.

People in a carriage arrived outside the castle.

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