𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑜 𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾

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Maybe filler, who knows!

Anyways, I heard another old song I used to listen to, and, well :)

Anyways, if you were able to tell that the Deku chapter was Hide & Seek, then you'll probably be able to find out what this one is.

| C h o o s e . |

Your phone had went missing recently.

When you found it again, you had (apparently) sent your boyfriend, Shinsou, a text saying Meet me here at 5:00am, and the "Here" had a link to Google Maps, showing a location.

You don't... remember sending him that...

How did that happen...?

Was... was your phone hacked...?

Most likely not, but...

It buzzed in your hand.

There was a notification from your friend, Todoroki.

[Strawberry Milk with a hint of daddy issues - 2:53am]

Come over.


I'll be waiting.

See you soon.

So, you made your way over.

You made your way to Todoroki's room, and saw him facing the wall.

"Oh. Hello there (Y/N)."

"What's up Todoroki? Why'd you invite me over so early in the morning...?"

"Oh, no reason."

He suddenly stomped his foot on the ground, freezing the door behind you shut.

He then turned around to face you.

"(Y/N)... why would you lie to me...?"

"Wh-what the-?"

"When we were kids... y-you promised me we'd get married in the future."

"Ok, but we were also six years old when I told you that."

"It was still a promise... wasn't it...?

"I guess, but-"

"You promised me, (Y/N)." He told you. "You promised me... You promised me... You promised me..." He uttered. "you promised me you promised me you promised me you promised me you promised me you promised me you promised me YOU PROMISED ME YOU PROMISED ME YOU PROMISED ME YOU PROMISED ME-!" He started yelling, progressively getting angrier.

"Calm down!"

"Ah, right. Sorry about that. Either way, you did promise that we'd get married, and then to betray me like that..."

He laughed.

"How could you."

"Huh? What do you mean betray you?" You hadn't told Todoroki about your relationship.

"I know about Shinsou." He told you. "I know about him stealing you away from me."

Your face was a mix of shocked and disgusted.

He shouldn't know that!

"What's with that look, (Y/N)?" He asked you. "Do you think it's so wrong to know you're dating someone?"

"N-no, but-"

"Well, I think you'd be surprised to know who's here with us." Todoroki opened his closet, and someone you recognized well fell out of it.

"S-Shinsou-?!" You asked in surprise.

"Yes, now don't yell for him. The less you yell for him, the more I consider not killing him."


There's no way he was telling the truth... right...?

"You... y-you're crazy...!" You said to him.

"Listen, (Y/N)... I'M NOT ASKING FOR MUCH!  I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME!" He screamed. "SO JUST TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME TONIGHT!" He kept yelling. "But if you lie... I think you know what might happen..."

He suddenly seemed to realize what he was saying.

"Ah, sorry about yelling like that. I've just been vey busy recently."

"Y... you have been...?" You cautiously asked.

"Yes. I found Shinsou's number in your contacts the other day." He told you, lifting Shinsou up off of the floor by his hair. "So, I decided to ask him for a simple meeting on your behalf."

Is that why you couldn't find your phone?

Now you just looked concerned.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)? Do you think I'm taking this too far, or something?" He asked you. "It's simple, really. If you want him to live, just admit that you love me." He placed his right hand right next to Shinsou's head.

"Alright, alright! I-I love you! I love you Todoroki! J-just let him go!"

He gasped.

"You do? I'm so happy!" Todoroki exclaimed. "Now let's fulfil our childhood promise! Let's go get married!"

"Huh? I-I didn't think you actually wanted to marry me... Shinsou and I were just about to, and I think I might be-"

"So you lied to me?"

"W-what? No, I didn't lie, I-I'm in love with you, I swear!" You told him desperately.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" He screamed angrily, before...

Before he impaled Shinsou's head with a large spike of ice.

He didn't even have any time to scream before he died.

"SHINSOU-!" You screamed, reaching out for him. You started to cry as you fell to the floor.

"I'm not falling for those fake tears of yours, (Y/N). You're not going to make me feel guilty for doing what I had to." Todoroki told you, in his emotionless voice. He kneeled down beside you, and placed his hands on his face. "I know that you love me somewhere in there, so I guess I'll have to just drag that love out of you..."

"N-no... TODOROKI DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST FUCKING DID?!" You screamed, while crying.


"You bastard..." You said to him, not even looking at him.

"(Y/N)... you're driving me insane... j-just... now that he's gone, please..."

"Swear that you'll love me forever..."

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