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Requested by: Crufflebugg

"I hate your fucking green hairrr they remind me of toxic slutch" - Katsuki Bakugou to Izuku Midoriya

That's a real quote, btw. Just trust me.

| Butterflies |

You were a third year student at UA, and your class was going on a trip. Where to? Uh... let's just say the forest. Like, um... oh! Like the training camp! But only for a week, and not during summer.

For some reason, another class was joining you on the trip. The class that included a certain group of students; the Big Three of UA.

You were teamed up with one of those students, Tamaki Amajiki, for a 1-on-1 battle.

"Hey,  (Y/N) t-those wings of yours... they're attached to you, r-right?" Tamaki asked. You had butterfly wings, as well as antennae. You really hated your wings though.


"Then can they regrow? L-like if they get torn apart, would they heal l-like a normal body part?" He continued asking.

"I don't know, I've never really had them torn apart." You explained. "Why don't we try?"

"W-what?! No! T-t-t-that will hurt you, won't it?" Tamaki worridly asked.

"But your goal is to hurt me, isn't it?"

"I- w-well... I mean... I g-guess you're right..."

You knew Tamaki was a good fighter, but it seems he was too worried about hurting you, and you were easily able to beat him.

The next day was when people started getting killed.

A group of five people started throwing up blood after eating their breakfast.

You slept in that morning, so you weren't able to see it yourself, you heard it second hand from the person  who woke you up.

"(Y/N). (Y/N). (Y/N) wake up." She said, shaking you. Your eyes slowly opened, and you saw who it was.

"Oh... good morning Nejire..." you sleepily said.

"You're gonna have to deal with not eating breakfast this morning, the food's poisoned, and five people just died."

"... huh?"

"But it's ok! I thought something like this might happen, so I came prepared!" Nejire announced, turning to her bag, and pulling out a box of cereal. "I also brought bowls." Just then, she pulled out two disposable bowls.

"So we're having dry cereal?"

"Not dry!" She turned back to her bag, pulling out two thermoses. "I brought milk too!"

"You're very prepared..."

"Of course I am! You know what they say: You never know when disaster will strike and people will start dying, so always be prepared!"

"I've  never heard anyone say that."

"Oh. I guess 'they' is just me then!" Nejire said, laughing.

That night, the person struck again, killing 15 people, along with the teachers.

Nejire was among those 15 people.

As you sat in the cabin, reading a book, a face suddenly phased through the wall.

"Hey (Y/N). Whatcha reading?"

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