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Requested by: Mehar5675

You know, sometimes I think about how Deku and Narancia share a VA.

| Succumb |

"How much longer is it gonna take, (Y/N)...?"  He asks you. "You've been down here for weeks..."

"It'd gonna take a long time." You respond. "Because whatever you're doing... it's just not gonna work on me, Deku."

"Yes it will! This will work, (Y/N)! And you'll be so much happier when it does! So just... just succumb already, please."

"Well... since you asked so politely, I will!"


"Nah. But it's pretty funny you thought that'd work!" You said, laughing between your words.

"Stop doing that, (Y/N)... stop playing with my emotions..." He said, sounding sad.

"Awe, did I huwt youw feewings?" You asked, mockingly. You placed your hands on your face, squishing them into yourself. "How absowutewy tewwibwe of me! So sowwy mistew!"

"Stop doing that." He said, starting to look annoyed.

"Or what?" You asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stop talking wike a mowe adowabwe Ewmer Fudd?"

"I... I-I'll cut your tongue out!"


"Really, Deku? Is that the best threat you could come up with?" You asked. "You and I both know you don't have the balls to cut out my tongue." He sighed in defeat.

"You're right..." He turned away, walking away from you, before stopping, and turning his head as far back as it could go, so he was looking at you. His smile looked innocent, but there was something in his eyes... something that made you know it's not. "Although, our 'fun' will last longer tonight. Just something I thought you should know~" he told you.

"Just call it torture. Stop trying to make yourself seem more innocent than you actually are." You told him, annoyed.

As he turned away again, completely ignoring you, you heard him tell you

"And could you please clean up the blood from last night? I don't want it staining the carpets."

He walked up the stairs, and slammed the door behind him.

How did it end up like this...

How did you end up trapped in a Hero's basement...?


Why did he have to be so damn strong...

Your last fight with him mocks you in the back of your mind.

You surely had the upper hand in that fight... you were clearly going to win.

It was going to be all over the news - "New #1 Hero killed right after receiving his ranking"

But no.

One of his dumb Hero friends just had to come in and confuse you with that weird illusion.

You still hemeber him screaming the words "I don't want to do this" before breaking your jaw with a punch.

It hurt like all hell.

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