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Please help I was held at gunpoint to make this chapter

*insert unfunny joke*

| It's Over P2 |

You still had Kirishima's number saved as Lovely❤  in your phone.

You should change it someday.

Though for some reason, deep down, despite everything he'd done...

You felt that you still loved him.

If only he hadn't done any of that...

Two months later, you got a call from...


You knew you shouldn't, but... you answered.

"Sup (Y/N)?"

"K-Kirishima? Aren't you supposed to be... you know... in prison right now?"

"Yes, but they were able to find evidence that ties  the murders to someone else! I don't know how, because I definitely killed them, but I'm not complaining!! They've convicted someone else completely, and I was allowed to walk free with no charges. Probably because I'm a Hero."

"Oh, y-yeah, that's... that's good for you."

"So good, right?"

"Yeah. S-so, what are you doing right now...?"

"I'm coming to see you!"

"Y-you what?"

"Yeah! I'm on my way now!"

"B-but I don't have anyone with me! I don't want to be alone with you!"

"That's rude. Why don't you want to be alone with me (Y/N)?"

"B-because... because..."

"Oh well, I'm still coming over. See you soon darling!"

And then he hung up.

You were scared of what he'd do to you if the two of you were alone.

So what do you do?

Do you call someone?

Do you cook something?

Do you burn your house down so he can't visit you?

Yeah that last one seems like the best option.

Plus, you might die in the fire, and that'd probably be good.

Just as you grabbed your lighter, someone rang the doorbell.

You took deep breaths as you opened the door.

When you opened the door... he was there.

"Oh, it's so good to see you again (Y/N)~!"

He hugged you.

"It's... n-nice to see you too..."

He inhaled deeply, and you felt him start twirling his hair with his finger.

"Your hair smells just as good as I remember, (Y/N)."

"Uh... t-thanks, Kirishima..."

It's fine.

This is just a simple visit.

He'll leave in a few minutes, and you can completely forget he exists.

He entered your house, and shut the door behind him.

And then he kissed you on the cheek.

You laughed awkwardly.

"What was that for...?" You asked, nervously.

"To get you ready for this."

The next thing you knew, both of you were on the floor, with Kirishima full-on making out with you.


No not this again...

But at least it's just this...

And nothing else....

He drew his face away from yours, wiping his mouth and telling you

"Oh~ I've missed this, darling..."

"You don't have to call me that, Kirishima... we're not together anymore..." You responded. He smiled, showing off all of his teeth. He then whispered to you...

"And who decided that, (Y/N)?"

As a feeling of terror overcame you, Kirishima suddenly got off of you, and started laughing.

"Just kidding! I know that you don't want to date me anymore, and that's fine! I don't know what came over me there, sorry..." He said, apologetically. "I'm gonna go wash my face in the bathroom, I'll be right back."

You sighed.

Maybe you were wrong to feel this scared of him.

Maybe Kirishima had changed.

You sat there, watering one of your plants, when you heard a door close.

Then footsteps.

Then a whisper.

"Sorry about this, darling~"

A cloth was shoved onto the bottom half of your face.

As you breathed in the chemicals, your body seemed heavier.

It was hard to keep yourself standing...

And you couldn't keep your eyes open.

"Did you have a nice nap, (Y/N)?" You heard his voice ask. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, and you saw him near the door. "I like you much better like that than I do when you're awake, (Y/N)."

"W-where am I...? What happened...?"

"Oh, I think you know what happened. And if you don't... I'll just let you figure it out~"

"Huh? B-"

"Oh! And one more thing. There aren't any phones in the house. You can't call the cops on me this time." He told you.

"I... can't...?"

"Nope! And I can't wait until you realize that you're in love with me, darling!"

"I suspect that a year from now... you'll realize how much you love me."

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