ℍ𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕜𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕒

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| ♥ Cinnamon Hearts ♥ |

You were an intern at a coffee shop.

So... why were you in a peaceful relationship with a Villain?

Well, you didn't really know.

It just sorta.. happened.

Also, the girl you were dating a girl could be best described as "Yandere"

You were fine with that though.

Himiko Toga.

That was her name.

While you were working the other day, some high school student decided to harass you.

Though, admittedly, he looked much younger.

Like, he was way too small to be an average high schooler.

Either way, when you told Toga about this, she was reasonably pissed.

And then,  this morning, that same high schooler that harassed you decided to approach you in a panicked state.

"M-miss! You gotta help me! a classmate of mine pulled out a knife just started chasing me out of nowhere!" He explained. Him and his stupid... well.. it's not exactly hair, is it...? It's more... purple balls. Anyways, you knew exactly who was chasing him.

"Alright. Calm down. I can take you down to the police station, and you can explain it to them, since I'm probably not the best for you to tell...!" You told him.

As he followed you, you tried to remember a mental map of the area you were currently in. Where's a good spot where no one will see him die...?

You turned left into an alleyway, then continued to turn left, where no one will see you.

"Alright, we're here!" You said to him.

"Um... this isn't the station." He said to you. You smiled happily.

"Oh, I know."

A boy with green hair and freckles came out of nowhere, and started stabbing him. He didn't stop until the harasser was dead.

"Hi (Name)!" He said to you happily, the disguise melting away to reveal a naked blonde girl with yellow eyes.

"Hey Toga." You said to her, pulling something out of a bag you were carrying. "I thought this might happen, so I brought you some clothes."

"Wow! Thanks (Name)!" She exclaimed, putting on the set of clothes you handed to her.

"By the way (Name), I bought you something!" Toga said to you sweetly.

"Oh really? What is it?" You asked.

"That cute Animal game for the Switch!" She said, handing you the cartridge for the game Animal Crossing.

"There's no way you were able to buy that..."

"Ok, I stole it..."

The two of you laughed together as you walked out of the alleyway, nobody ever knowing, or realizing, that a murder had just occurred.



Current mood: that one 15 minute video of Parappa the Rapper that's just called "Chinese" (Specifically at 8:51)

Also, I just exercised for six minutes, and I think my legs have just become jelly at this point.

And, sorry this was so short lol

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