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Ok, so someone asked me if I could do a Natsuo chapter, but I lost the comment, so I don't remember their username. To the person who requested this: sorry!

I haven't watched much of season 5 yet (I've only seen the first two episodes), but I can definitely see why you guys like Mirko. Like... I'll admit: I might be simping...

| Remove The Problem |

You had a whole lot of things going on.

1: your father is being arrested for murder, and attempted murder
2: you found out you have a brother (you found that out after finding out about the attempted murder)
3: someone you know fucking confessed to you
4: you accidentally burned down your own house (but let's not talk about that one)
5: your friend (the one that confessed with you) let you live with him

More things happened recently, but the only important ones to this story are 3 and 5.

I guess we could explain one more thing that happened... you met your younger brother that, until a few weeks ago, you didn't even know existed, because apparently he's in the same class as your friends younger brother, and that was... definitely an experience. One of the only things that would hint that the two of you are related is that your faces look kinda similar, and you both have sharp teeth. But again, not that important.

"Hey, (Y/N), where's the chips?!" You heard your friend yell from somewhere.

"... What chips?" You asked, eating said chips. Then, he came in the room.

"Oh fuck you..." He said. That was your friend, the one who let you live with him, Natsuo Todoroki.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?? You can't just leave a bag of chips out in the open like that and then expect me to not eat them..." You told him, rolling your eyes.

"Can you even eat chips with those dumb teeth of yours?"

"Of course I can!" You yelled. "It's just my front teeth. My molars are completely normal, I'll have you know." You told him, annoyed (but in a friendly way)

"Come on, give me those-"

"ONLY IF YOU CATCH ME!" You yelled, jumping up, and running away from him.

Yeah, he caught you.

"It's funny you thought you could outrun me, (Y/N)." Natsuo said to you, taking the bag away from you.

"I'll outrun you next time though, just you wait." You informed him.

"Hey, (Y/N), since we're living together now, does... that... count as you accepting...?" Natsuo asked.

"Accepting what?" You asked. You weren't being a smartass this time, you genuinely couldn't remember what he was talking about.

"... really...?"

"Hm... nope, can't remember!" You said, confidently. Natsuo sighed.

"Come on, remember? The other day...? I asked if you'd go out with me...?  You said you needed some time to think...?" He tried to jog your memory.

"Oh yeah, I remember now!" You said. "You know, I accidentally told a friend about it while I was half-asleep, hope you don't mind." You confessed.

"Yeah no, that was me..."


"You sent me a text that, word-for-word, read: Holy shit dud youll never guess what happened today. God damn Natsuo fuckin Todoroki told me that he loves me. Epic right? Here's th thng though I don't like him one bit. he kinda hot thogh... mbe Ill say yes just to wake up to that every morning."

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