𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔶𝔞

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I just had a cool idea for the Fantasy AU, so I thought I'd show you!

Also, this isn't really yandere, I just wanted to explain this idea I had.

I hope you like it, even though it's not really yandere!

| History Repeats |

The world you lived in was an interesting one.

The skeleton of a world that was here before remained.

You often found yourself wondering about what that world was like.

You were travelling merchant.

Your friend was too, but recently, he'd taken up exploring the ruins of the world before.

"(Y/N)! I found something super exciting the other day!" Izuku told you one day.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I don't know how to describe it, just follow me!" He ran off, and you followed him.

"Hey, could you at least try to tell me what you saw?" You asked.

"I found a clue to what the world was like before!" You gasped. Nobody in the world knew what things were like before. It seemed like history had basically been wiped. "In that ruin I started exploring yesterday... the one on the top of the hill!" He excitedly giggled as the two of you ran.

As you two came to the large ruin, Izuku pulled out his sword, cutting through the plant life blocking the entrance.

There was not only the main ruin, but also more ruins surrounding it. A large defensive wall surrounded the area.

"Was this a city?" You asked. Izuku shook his head.

"That's what I thought at first too, but I don't think so anymore. From what I've uncovered, I think it was some kind of school!"

"A school?" You asked. "But... this building's structure looks nothing like the schools I've seen in the towns I've been to..."

"That's because it was a school from the world before! A school with a completely different purpose!" He informed you. "Come on!"

You two walked through the main ruin first, the largest of the bunch.

There were many rooms, a lot of them designed similarly.

There was a room filled with... weird boxes, with glass on them. You didn't know how to describe it at all.

"Come on, it was just here the other day..." Izuku looked around the room you were currently in, and you sat in one of the chairs. This room looked like it was a classroom, of some kind.

"What are you looking for?"

"It was like a book of some sort. It proved that magic of some kind existed in the world before!" You gasped.

"W-wait... really?" There was always a debate about whether I not magic existed in the world before, or if humanity was forced to develop it to survive after the event.

"I don't think it was magic in the way we use the word now, but it was a power specifically dedicated to one person." He searched around a bit more, before yelling "FOUND IT!"

He showed you a book-like object that, in faded letters, read UA Hero Course - Class 1-A

"Hero course...?" You asked.

"From what I've uncovered here, particularly strong warriors that had complete control over their magic were known as 'Heroes', and there were even special schools dedicated to teaching kids to be Heroes!" Izuku said, very excited. "But, reading through this... I also discovered something... strange..."

"What did you find?"

"I'll let you find out yourself." He handed you the book. "Read it."

So, you started reading it aloud.

"For use of UA staff members only. Looks like we're breaking the rules, huh, Izuku?" You asked him.

"I suppose so..."

"Ok, first page!" You looked at the picture on the page. A... flamboyant looking boy with blonde hair and purple eyes. "Yuga Aoyama. Hero name: Can't Stop Twinkling. Quirk: Naval laser." You read through the info about this... past magic. "Wait, I've seen this person before! Prince Yuga!" You blurted out, realizing.

"That's what I noticed. In both of these book things, there are names we recognize. That leads me to think... we may be the direct decendants of these people, after years and years and years, after they've completely been forgotten. And it seems like... history is repeating itself."

"Eh, probably just a coincidence. I'll keep reading." Your eyes shifted to the second page. "Mina Ashido. Hero name: Pinky. Quirk: Acid." That's strange... she looks exactly like a warrior you've met before. Same name, too. "That has to be another coincidence!" You read the next page. "Tsuyu Asui..." a hybrid human potion maker. "Tenya Iida..." current heir to the throne of this country, youngest son of the Iida family. "Ochako Uraraka..." a mage you knew well. "Mashirao Ojiro..." a hybrid human thief from a different country. "Denki Kaminari..." a rogue assassin for hire. "Eijiro Kirishima..." a shapeshifting warrior who's most known for his dragon form. "Koji Koda..." a druid who can speak to animals. "Rikido Satou..." a warrior who's equally known for his amazing baking skills. "Mezo Shouji..." a very strong warrior, who is also a very sweet person. "Kyoka Jirou..." a bard known for how amazing she is at music, possibly the ultimate bard, if 'ultimate' was a title. "Hanta Sero..." a medical officer. "Fumikage Tokoyami..." a hybrid human with knowledge of the dark arts. "Shouto Todoroki..." heir to the throne of the neighbouring country, and the youngest son of the Todoroki family. "Toru Hagakure..." a disguise master. "Katsuki Bakugou..." the wandering barbarian prince. "Izuku Midoriya..." your friend, who was right beside you. "Hitoshi Shinsou..." a mage who knows hypnotism. "Momo Yaoyorozu..." a powerful warrior, despite her *ahem* assets. "(Y/N) (L/N)..." ... you.

"Not a coincidence, (Y/N)." Izuku told you. It's true... history is... repeating itself.

"Should we tell people about this?"

"No, they'll think we're crazy, even if we show the proof..." he said. "But... we should prepare in secret. If my theory is right... something terrible will happen soon."

"But how do we do that?"

"I think we should study these ruins more, maybe we'll find more out."

"... yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

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