ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔬

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Requested by: Rasberry-blackriot

The teacher that I had when I was in grade 7... the only way I can describe his voice is Ben Shapiro mixed with Nic Cage, if that makes any sense.

And, I'm really excited because... ON SATURDAY I'M GONNA SEE MY BEST FRIEND AGAIN!!! I'm gonna sleep over at her house, and we're gonna do dumb shit like fuck around on YouTube, talk about stuff that's only relevant to us, cry over the fact that we haven't seen each other since December... you know, stuff like that! So no update Saturday!

There's some Spanish in this chapter, and just as a disclaimer: I don't speak Spanish. I'm completely relying on Google Translate... if any translations are off, I'm very sorry.

Just to reiterate: I do not speak Spanish. To anyone who does, I hope this isn't too wrong. ᴵ ᵗʳⁱᵉᵈ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉˢᵗ

| Mi Vida |

Your arm was bleeding a lot. Like basically the Niagara Falls of blood.

But who cares! You promised Sero you'd come over, and you're going to come over, bleeding and all.

Now, why are you bleeding so much? Simple. You were attacked on your way to Sero's house. Bitch ran away before you really got mad, so he gets to live another day.

You knocked on the door with the arm that wasn't in excruciating pain.

"Oh, mornin (Y/N)." Sero said, yawning. It was clear from that, and just how he looks right now, that he had just woken up. "Come in!" He happily said.

You stepped inside, and started looking around.

"Hey, Sero, you got any bandages?" You asked.

"No, I ran out the other day... I've been meaning to get more, I just haven't yet. Why do you ask?" His gaze shifted to your arm. "HIJO DE DIOS (Y/N) ARE YOU OK?!"

"No, not really." You dryly responded.

"Mierda, no tengo vendas..." he whispered to himself. "Ah! I just had a good idea! Follow me, (Y/N)!" Sero said, walking over too his kitchen. You followed.

You jumped up, and sat down on the counter. I mean, given the chance, who wouldn't?

Sero grabbed a paper towel, and ran it under the cold water.

You extended your arm for him, and he started wiping the blood off.

"This is a really nasty wound, (Y/N)." He said to you, sounding concerned. "What happened?"

"Someone attacked me." You informed him. "The bitch stole my wallet and ran off before I could fight back. Thanks to them, I lost some Pokémon cards." You said, scowling.

"Ok, first of all, how dare they? Secondly, it sucks that you got your wallet stolen. And third, you're more concerned about the Pokémon cards you had in your wallet than your drivers license? Or your debit card? Or your health card?"

"Am I supposed to keep those in my wallet?" You asked. "I keep em in my pockets. I just use my wallet for loose change and, as we previously mentioned, Pokémon cards."

"I don't understand you sometimes, mi media naranja." He told you, confused. He grabbed another paper towel, and dried off your arm. "I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a shot..."

Sero pulled some tape out of his elbow, and wrapped it around the wound.

"There. Hopefully that works..." he said, doubtfully.

"Hey, (Y/N), I know this is kinda out of nowhere, but do you wanna stay the night?" Sero asked you. "I mean... I think our relationship is at that point..."

"Yeah sure, why not?" You asked, happily.

"Estupendo!" He excitedly blurted out. "So what should we do?"

"... video games?" You suggested.

"Oh! Yes, definitely! But if we play Smash Bros, just know I've gotten better since last time, and I'll beat you this time~"

"We'll see about that..."

You spent the rest of the night playing video games with Sero.

Then, you two went to sleep.

When you woke up, you made your way downstairs.

You wanted to step outside for a moment, but for some reason, the front door was locked.

"Huh. That's weird..." you said to yourself.

You tried the side door.

Also locked.

Back door?

Locked yet again.

You checked the windows, but they were all locked as well.

"Strange. Sero doesn't strike me as the type of person who'd lock his doors and windows, even at night." You said, confused.

You heard footsteps down the stairs behind you.

"Oh. Buenos días, (Y/N). I didn't expect you to be awake yet. You're usually up..." Sero yawned while talking. "Much later than this..."

"Hey, why are all the doors and windows locked?" You asked.

"Oh right. You would be confused about that wouldn't you, cariño? Well, mi querido, I can tell you." He streched out his arms. "If yesterday is any tip, you're not safe outside. I mean, I've always thought you weren't, but I didn't think to take this option until now."

"What... what option is this?" You asked, still extremely confused.

"I'm keeping you captive, (Y/N). But, I'm justifying it in my mind by insisting I'm protecting you!" He put his hands on his hips, proud of himself.

"... right." You said, not believing him.

"You know... mi mundo gira a tu alrededor, (Y/N)..." Sero kneeled down in front of you, and placed his hands on your face.

"You really are...."

"Mi vida entera."


I really hope the translations in this aren't too bad...

Also, I had a weird dream last night. So, I had a pet turtle (or maybe tortoise) except, here's the weird part, it was basically a dog. Ran as fast as a dog, layed on top of me like a dog, got super exited like a dog, and licked me like a dog. It was adorable.

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