𝐼𝓏𝓊𝓀𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶

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Requested by KweenRed

I remember I had a "conspiracy theory" (it was more a joke) with a friend of mine. It was "Sero and Kirishima both have naturally long black hair. So does Aizawa."

| Give Up |

You hit the door as hard as you could.

"Please just let me out..." You weakly pleaded. You'd been locked in your room for a month. Like every other time you'd asked, there was no response. It was like you were the only one in the house, but... you know you weren't. "Are you even there...?" You asked, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "Do you even love me anymore...?" You expected to just hear nothing again, but then...

"Of course I still love you!" Izuku told you. You couldn't believe what you heard. If he loved you, why did he lock you in here? If he loved you, why did he bolt a metal sheet over your window to stop you from escaping? If he loved you, why did he only give you food every four days?

"If you loved me, you'd let me out of my room..." You told him. He made some sort of surprised noise, clearly not expecting to hear that. "Izuku... I love you, I really do, but..." You started crying. "I don't think you love me."

Then... the door opened.

"I don't know why you'd think that..." He told you, extending his hand to help you up from the ground. "And (Y/N)... I'm sorry."

You smiled for the first time in a month.

Grabbing his hand, you lifted yourself up, and walked out of the room.

You walked over to the bathroom, and got undressed, turning the hot water on in the shower, before hopping in.

As you cleaned yourself off, you heard the door open, stay open for a while, and then shut.

Once you were done, you stepped out, seeing why someone (obviously Izuku) was in here.

There was a set of clean clothes, with a sticky note attached to it.

I think you'd look cute in these!

And, also, I have something for you downstairs

I hope you like it! ✿

You slipped the clothes on, walking out of the bathroom, and heading downstairs.

"(Y/N)! Look what I made for us!" Izuku said happily. You looked at the table he was standing behind.

"Woah!" You said. He had made a large dinner for the two of you.

"(Y/N)... I honestly hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me some day..." He said, regretfully.

"It's ok. I kind of already do." You told him.

You had given up a long time ago.

You had given up on trying to escape, you had given up any hope for a rescue, you had even given up on yourself, to a point.

Nothing really mattered in your life anymore...

Aside from him.

The two of you were in love, he was in love with you, and you had eventually fallen in love with him.

He was the sole thing keeping you alive.



Here's a bit of a TW for some... not so good thoughts.

I really just need to get my thoughts out of my head.




I wish I could kill myself without dying.

I wish I had never been born.

I'm failing History, and my parents are acting like it's the end of the world, when the worst thing that could happen is that I'd have to re-take the class.

I wish I was a better person. I wish I was more successful at my classes. I wish my friends actually had time for me. I sometimes wish I had different parents. I wish I could be good at literally anything. I wish I didn't bite my nails so much. I'm not a real author. I'm not funny. I'm not good at writing or drawing.

I wish I didn't hate myself.


I'm really sorry for just... dumping my emotions on you guys, I just needed to "talk" to someone.

Anyways, I'm going to stay up all night re-doing my History assignments.

Also, I think you guys deserve to know...

I read all your comments.

Honestly, they really make me happy.

And I appreciate all dumb things that are said. I've had a lot of good laughs from reading some of them!

So I just want to say...

Thank you for reading this garbage book.

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