𝔒𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔨𝔬 𝔘𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔨𝔞

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Hello there! Please don't get mad at me for making a chapter about Uraraka, I know some of you absolutely hate her, I just wanted to wite about her, 'cause I think she's cute. Ok? I'm doing this because I, personally, like Uraraka. She's cute, strong, and one of the only characters in the show that I'm taller than!

But I mean... even though I like that she's shorter than me (since not many people I know are)... I do think it'd be fun to have a tall boyfriend/girlfriend/Non binary Significant Other... have them grab stuff off top shelves for me... but oh well, I'll explore that topic more when I write about Yaoyorozu or Shouji.

I really went into an idea I had, for this one. I don't know how to describe it, but... regardless... I hope you enjoy!! :3

| The Mysterious Girls Of The Cursed Awazia Forest |

There's a legend in the town you live in. The forest next to the town, the Awazia Forest, is the home of something known as The Guide of Lost Souls, which is said to guide people to the afterlife once they die. They say that the forest got its name from reversing the real name of The Guide of Lost Souls (kinda lazy, eh?). It is said that if someone enters the forest, they will immediately become lost, and will be doomed to wander the forest until they die. However, if a child enters the forest, and becomes lost, it is said that The Guide of Lost Souls will take pity on the child, and help them out of the forest. And that seems to be true, as any child that enters the Awazia forest always makes their way out safely.

One day, while walking on the edge of town, you saw a small injured girl walking out of the forest. You, being worried, asked if she could tell you her name.

"Eri." She responded.

"And what's your last name?" You asked. "Like, your family's name?"

"Family...? I don't have a family." She informed you. You were confused. Maybe this kid was just delirious from those injuries of hers.

"Alright. Hey, Eri, would you like some help?"


"You know, those injuries you have?"

"I have injuries?"

"D-do you want me to, like, bandage you up, or something, so those don't get infected?"

"They're gonna get infected?"

You were getting more and more confused everytime she spoke. You grabbed her hand, and guided you back to your home. Once you were there, you bandaged her up, gave her some food and water, and made sure she got to the main part of town safely, as you lived on the outskirts of the town.

That was a strange day, but... not the strangest thing that could have happened.

You never saw that strange girl again.

Until today, two months later.

While starting your day, having some (uhh favourite breakfast food or smth), there was a knock at your door. You kept eating as you walked to the door.

When you opened it, you saw that little girl again.

"Oh. Hey there! I never thought I'd see you again!" You said, nervously. How did she know where you lived? Well, you did show her where you lived two months ago, but as far as you know, children don't usually have the best memory. "Your name was Eri, right?" Dhe nodded, smiling sweetly.

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