Oh no

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Hi so this isn't me begging for sympathy and I hope it doesn't seem like that but I think I'm having an emotional breakdown rn so that's fun

I'm probably not and I'm probably just feeling sad for myself for a super selfish reason

But I'm pretty sure quarantine has finally proved to be too much for me and I don't know what to do about it

I need to do something but I don't want to do anything

I'm crying so fucking much and I don't know why

I was feeling fine a second ago

I know you guys all have your own stuff going on but I really just need to tell someone (that isn't my mom or dad) about what I'm feeling right now

I don't know what to do

I don't have any real motivation to draw or write even though I did just a second ago

I know you guys are probably thinking "ugh, this bitch. I don't care about your feelings, I just want the stories." but please just bare with me. Even though I know you don't think like that, I feel like what I know is lying to me

You probably think I'm trying to guilt-trip you into giving me attention, but I'm really not trying to, I swear

I know how selfish I am for thinking like that

"Oh, everyone hates me! People are only reading this because they feel bad for me!" That's such a dumb, selfish feeling.

But I just can't get rid of it

I think it's a victim mentality, but I hope its not, because that'd just end up making me feel even worse

I just want quarentine to be done already

I just want to go back to my normal life

I want to go to the mall with my friends! I want to go to physical high school,  because I really loved my school! I miss the world before this.

I just want this to end already

I want to ask for encouraging comments, or something, but... I feel like that's begging you guys to feel bad for me

I'm probably not actually sad, am I? I just want random people on the internet to feel bad, don't I? That's probably all this is.

These tears are probably fake. I'm just fake crying and lying to myself.

I'm sorry.

I feel like I'm trying to guilt-trip you guys.

I just needed to write my feelings out. Maybe this will help me feel better.

Again, I'm sorry, I know this probably isn't the update you guys wanted, but I just needed to do something.

I think I might take a break from writing.

I'll see you when I update again.


Hey guys, here's a bit of an update on this chapter the day after I posted it.

I'm feeling a lot better now, I had a shower, ate some pasta, and went to bed earlier than usual.

And, thanks for saying those things, they helped me feel a bit better :3

Though, with what happened last night, I still think I'm not gonna update this in a while, I just... feel like it'd be better for me if I don't have to bother updating this.

I'll return soon though! So, bye, for now!

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