𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔬 𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

Listen, I'm a fan of Todoroki's epic tragic backstory™️, don't get me wrong, but- hear me out here- what if Endeavor cared less about overtaking All Might, and the Todorokis were a happy family?

| Truth Quirk |

You had a... rival, of sorts. Shouto Todoroki. You two constantly fight with each other, like there's a competition between you two. Like you constantly have to prove who's better.

But the thing about you, the thing you'll never admit is... you... have a crush on Todoroki. Nobody except you knew that. What you didn't know, however, is that the opposite is also true. By some divine miracle, Todoroki had a crush on you.

Due to your rivalry, though... you two will never confess to each other. How sad...

How sad indeed.

Especially since it would just be safer if you two were to confess.

Because, unbeknownst to you, Todoroki's crush had developed into an obsession. One he just can't control.

He just wants to be with you forever. He wants you to be with him, and only him.

Todoroki wants you so badly that sometimes... he'll start yet another fight with you just so you give him all your attention.

He worships the ground you fucking walk on.

But he'll never tell you.

He'll never tell you about the things he buys for you, but never gives to you.

He'll never tell you about how he saved some of your blood from the last time you fought. (He got some of your blood on his face, and kept the tissue he used to wipe it off)

He'll never tell you about the shrine he has dedicated to you in his room.

He'll never tell you about all the things he's stolen from you.

And he'll just... never tell you that he loves you!

One day, villains attacked the school. Why does this happen so often?

You and Todoroki were in different places, so you didn't know what was happening at the moment.

During the attack, another student accidentally hit Todoroki with her quirk.

"Oh, sorry!" She said. "Are you ok?

"Yes, I'm fine. That didn't hurt at all." Todoroki responded. "Hey wait, now I'm confused. Can you please tell me what's happening? And who are you?" He slapped his hands on his mouth. Why is he just... saying exactly what he's thinking? He wasn't trying to. He wanted to say 'it's ok, it doesn't matter', even though he was confused. Why did he ask her?

"Right! Second year UA student! Hero Class 2-A, Shinjitsu Kyousei! Interrogation Hero: Detective Shinjitsu! My quirk is Truth! If you get hit by it, you cannot tell a lie! No matter how hard you try, you can only tell the truth!" She explained, giving a salute. "It only takes effect for a week, so you don't have to worry about it for too long."

Todoroki didn't say anything. He didn't want to say anything that he was really thinking.

It's a good thing (Y/N) isn't around...


He might end up admitting to everything.

The next day, after the attack, you were back in class right away.

Oh well, that's how it normally goes, isn't it?

And then... Todoroki walked into the classroom, and saw you.

"(Y/N), I-" he slapped his hands on his moth, trying to stop himself from talking.

"What is it?" You asked, standing up and walking to him.

"I want to tell you something, but I'm scared you'll hate me for saying it." You heard his muffled voice say. He put more pressure on his mouth, trying harder to stop himself.

"Alright, tell me." You said. Todoroki shook his head, putting evn more pressure on his face. You grabbed his hands, and pulled them off of his face. "Tell me what happened, what's going on?"

"Yesterday during the attack, a second year student hit me with her quirk, and now I can only tell the truth. For a week straight. So now, I'm trying to not speak so as to not embarrass myself by telling the truth."

"Oh, alright. So what did you want to tell me~? That I'm amazing? Awesome? Way better than you?" You mockingly asked.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Todoroki confessed. "I love you so much that it's almost an obsession. Sometimes I start fights with you just so you'll give me attention. I buy you a lot of things, but I never end up giving them to you. I saved that tissue I used to wipe your blood off my face. I've stolen a lot of things from you, pencils, pens, mints, tamp-" he covered his mouth again. You pulled them off him again. "I HAVE A SHRINE DEDICATED TO YOU IN MY ROOM, I BASICALLY WORSHIP THE GROUND YOU WALK ON, I LOVE YOU!!!" He yelled.

He... feels the same?

"I know there's no way you'll accept my feelings. You'll just laugh at m-"

You kissed him. Holy fuck, the guy you have a crush on feels the same way about you?! Best day of your fucking life!

"I really like you too!" You said, after pulling your face away. "I've had a crush on you for a while, but never wanted to tell you!"

How amazing! Such a happy ending!

Such a happy ending.

Such a... happy... ending.

This... this is a happy ending, right?

It has to be.

But if it is...

Why do you feel this... overwhelming sense of... dread...?

Like something horrible is going to happen?


It's probably nothing.

You're just nervous, that's all.

It's not that you can feel his gaze digging into the back of your head. It's not that you're concerned about that shrine he mentioned. It's not that you're worried the fact that he saved a tissue of your blood. It's... not that you're... scared... of Todoroki...


You're just... nervous...

Yes. That's it.

This is a happy ending.

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