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Requested by: icyafterlife

This might sound weird to people who aren't Canadian, but there's something we have where we dip the top of a popsicle stick in boiling maple syrup, then roll it in the snow to cool it off, and eat it like candy. I've had it before, and it's amazing.

| Lie |

"You can do this..."

You were recording a video to send to your parents, just so that they'd stop worrying about you.

"Ok..." You paused, breathing in. "Hi Mom, hi Dad! I know you're worried about me, because of my sudden disappearance, but you don't have to worry about me!" You said happily.

"Oh? What are you doing, (N/N)?" Monoma asked you, walking in the room.

"My parents were worried about me, so I'm making a video for them." You explained.

"Ok then." He said, sitting down on the couch beside you. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)!" He said to the camera. "I'm (Y/N)'s boyfriend, Neito Monoma. If you're worried about (Y/N) being in danger, you don't have to be! I, I take care of her, She came with me completely willingly, I didn't even know she didn't tell you!"

"Yeah, so that's all I really wanted to tell you! I'm not in any danger, and we'll visit you soon!" You said. You got up from the couch, and ended the recording.

You sighed.

"Was that good enough, Monoma...?" You asked, picking the camera off of the table.

"Hm. I suppose. I mean, we've redone it so many times, I don't want to redo it again and I can tell you tried your best, so... yes, that was good enough."


Your dumb 'please don't worry' video is done.

Everything in that video was a lie.

You going willingly, Monoma not knowing that your parents didn't know, you not being in any danger, those were all lies.

Oh well.

Monoma's clearly insane, and if you try to escape, he'll just guilt-trip you into not leaving him.

And if you do escape, he'll just kidnap you again.

All you can do now is just wait.

You just have to wait for something.

Maybe for a rescue.

And if not for a rescue, for you to develop stockholm syndrome.

That iall you can do...

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