Harry X Draco ~ Simple Tears And Horrible Nightmares

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A/N: Hey guys! You all must hate me for not updating in a while. I'm putting my time into my doctor who fan fiction, so it may be awhile before I do more one shots. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoy the one shot.


Panting, sweating, gasping in fear, sweat dots Draco's forehead as he wakes from yet another nightmare. His fingers grip the shears tightly and he starts to breathe in and out, in attempt to calm down. But, his breaths are shallow and his heart is beating faster than normal.

Draco lifts the covers off of himself and is greeted with a cold shiver. He sits up and slips off the bed, his feet touching the icy stone. Draco heads towards his door and when he reaches it, he turns the knob ever so slowly as if he made any type of noise, he would wake the whole school up. When he left his room, he went down the stairs as if they were made of thin ice.

His feet welcomed the carpet that met his feet at the bottom of the stairs, but he soon left. He made sure to slip past the painting without waking it up, when he left the dungeons completely, he walked swiftly and quietly to the Room of Requirement. As he got closer, he put his hand on the wall, Nd thought of where he wanted to be, what he needed. He walked blindly with his hand feeling the wall until his fingertips came in contact with a door.

As Draco opened his eyes, he felt an alarming calm. He opened the heavy door and stepped inside, gladly greaten with a large room, a fireplace in the corner with a couch and a blanket. But, surprise took over when he saw a mop of raven hair. Someone else was there. Draco neared closer to the boy who was sitting on the couch in an almost, broken position. When Draco reached the boy, said boy looked up and Draco was met with misty green eyes.

"Potter?" Draco asked softly, surprised that the boy who lived was crying.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry snapped harshly, but the anger just wasn't there as Harry sighed softly.

"I had a nightmare and went for a walk, why are you here?" Draco asked kindly, sitting next to Harry. The boy remained silent, looking nowhere near Draco. "Harry? What's wrong?" Draco asked, using Harry's first name for the first time. It felt foreign in his mouth but it sounded so right as it had escaped his pale lips. A look of surprise came over Harry as he looked at Draco.

"Did you use my first name Draco?" Harry asked, the same feeling coming over him that did Draco.

"And you used mine. Harry, what's wrong? I have never seen you cry before." Draco whispered softly, his voice like sweet silk that was heavenly and unreal, luring Harry a bit closer.

"It's multiple things. Its sixth year and my god father died at the end of last year. Voldemort-" the mention of the name made both boys shiver with fright. "Voldemort is back and after me. Worst of all, Ron disowned me." Harry admitted, a dark look covering his tear covered face. Draco lifted his hand to put on Harry's shoulder, but decided against it.

"Why would he do that? He's your best friend." Draco said in a concerned tone.

"Ex best friend. Turns out, he noticed my obsession with this guy and figured I was homosexual, I swing for the other team, and felt disgusted. He threw me away like yesterday's trash saying that he could, and I quote 'Never be friends with a gay. They're disgusting.' So yeah, I feel like crap." Harry answered sourly. Draco was surprised by this information.

"That's horrible. Next time I see Weasel, I'll give him a price of my mind. My friends were accepting when I came out." Draco said as if it were nothing. He just threw it out there like it was a well know fact.

"You're gay too?" Harry asks, hoping Draco is.

"Did you not know? Wow, I thought everyone knew." Draco laughed.

"Draco, you said you had nightmares, what where they about?" Harry questions, tearing for information.

"Voldemort, he forced me to join him or he would have murdered my family." Draco admitted.

"I guess we have a lot in common. We never had a choice. Me with my god forsaken prophecy, and you and your family." Harry says.

"I guess we do have a lot in common. So Harry, who was this boy you were obsessing over?" Draco asked.

"Promise not to laugh?" Harry begs.

"I swear on my life." Draco promised.

"I was obsessing over you. I've had a massive crush on you si-" Harry was cut short by a pair of lips that had crashed against his own. To say that Harry was caught by surprise was an understatement. He was straight up screaming in his head as his arms wrapped around Draco's neck in attempt to pull him closer. Let's say that they were no where to be seen the next day.


A/N: I think my writing is improving! Sorry if this is short. I have practice at the moment.

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