Draco X Harry ~ Holiday

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A/N: fluff, just fluff. Oh my god, so much fluff! No, but seriously , it's going to be a gushy chapter with the pair being cute and cuddly, but being themselves, slightly petty.


The day was bright as soft snowflakes fluttered all around outside the household. The battle was long since over and now Harry had time to relax with the person he loved. He glanced over at his boyfriend sleeping beside him. Draco's blond hair was a mess, probably from Harry's fingers running through it last night. Plenty of fresh bite marks and hickeys littered Draco's skin. It was loud against Draco's pale skin.

"How'd I get so lucky?" Harry whispered before he pressed a kiss to Draco's forehead.

"You nearly killed me sixth year. Maybe you should make me breakfast in bed." Draco's eyes fluttered open.

"Were you pretending to sleep?" Harry asked, brushing stray hairs away fro
Draco's face.

"Maybe~" Draco drew out. "Now about breakfast in bed-"

"You want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen." Harry smirked.

"You're awful." Draco laughed softly, moving closer to Harry until their bodies were flush against each other.

"Good morning my ferret." Harry smiled.

"Good morning my wonderfully stupid scarhead." The two laughed as they got out of bed. Harry slipped on his green ass boxers knowing they were Draco's favorite and wore nothing else but a black sweater. He pulled it off quite well. His glasses just made him cute and sexy. Draco was wearing one of Harry's red shirts and some gold/yellow boxers.

While Draco was yawning, Harry wrapped his arms around his cute Slytherin. Draco wasn't even that shocked, just leaning back into his boyfriends hold.

"I love you." Harry whispered, pressing his lips to Draco's cheek.

"I love you too." Draco turned around and kissed Harry on the lips. He pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "Let's eat some breakfast before our stomachs start to growl." Draco chuckled and pulled away, grabbing Harry's hand to lead him to the kitchen.

"It's coming down quite a lot outside." Harry noted, seeing a snowy owl resting on the fence post outside. "Oh, Godric got brought us the mail." Harry Opened the window long enough for Godric to fly in and shake all the snow off it's feathers.

"I still can't believe you still call him Godric." Draco snickered.

"Who was it that gave the the owl to me?" Harry scoffed, taking the parcels that were held in Godric's beak.

"Looks like Mrs. Weasley sent us some Christmas jumpers. Ron and Hermione sent a picture of their new baby girl Rose. She's so cute." Draco looked at the picture over Harry's shoulder.

"I'm sure any child you'd have would be cuter." Draco complimented.

"I would have a kid if I could, but the magic involved...." Harry muttered.

"Maybe we'll adopt in the future. Should we put on those oversized jumpers?" Draco suggested.

"Later. You look too cute right now." Harry smirked. Draco blushed.

"Sod off." Harry kissed Draco's cheek his to slightly annoy Draco. Draco pouted a bit and went to grab the some plates from the cupboard. Harry just leaned against the counter and watched Draco act adorable. "It's your turn to cook breakfast," Draco smiled.

"What do you want?" Harry asked.

"Something golden that I can make me feel happy." Draco suggested.

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