Draco x Hermione ~ A Painful Past That Binds Us

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A/N: okay, so, I've actually grown to like this ship a little,  but I still have terrible trouble writing for the ship considering my OTP... anyways, thought I'd write something straight before crushing you guys with a mountain of gay stories. Though, I'm sure most of you wouldn't really mind too much.

This will also be a really short one shot. Just warning you.


Hermione sat on her couch at home, looking pitifully at her arm, the wretched word forever a scar on her skin, a reminder of what had been. A reminder of a past she wanted to forget.

"Hermione... You're looking at the scar again, aren't you?" Hermione glanced up, seeing Draco leaned up against the doorframe. He was visiting.

"I can't help it." Hermione sighed. Draco walked over and sat down.

"That scar doesn't define you. You're an amazing women." Draco offered her a smile.

She smiled softly back, "if you had always this sweet, we would've been friends at Hogwarts." She laughed softly.

"Yeah, we could've. We became friends seventh year." Draco reminded happily.

"Yeah, we went back to take the year we missed. You diligent student." The two smiled at each other softly.

"So, how long do you think it will be until the mark fades?" Hermione asked softly.

"Years. Now that he's gone, it will fade, but it's an awful reminder of what I had to do to survive and keep my family safe." Draco shook his head.

"I shouldn't have brought it up." Hermione apologized.

"I can't live life pretending what happened never happened." Draco smiled, brushing hair out of her face.

She smiled once more, "sometimes it seems like you're the only one who understands me."

"It's because those two idiots, Potter and Weasley, can't see how brilliant you are. It takes a great mind to understand a great mind."  Draco chuckled.

"Draco, you jerk." The pair laughed.

"Anyways, I had to head back, my mum wants me to help deal with some paperwork back at the manor." Draco huffed.

"You still live there?" Hermione raised a brow.

"Sadly so," Draco smirked. "Goodbye Hermione." Hermione smiled after jinx watching him go.

"Goodbye Draco." Se whispered.

Hermione was conflicted, her heart screaming. There was nothing wrong with her falling for Draco, but, it was just something she's never expected to happen. Every time she closed her eyes, he was there, and every time she needed someone, he was there for her.

He took over her world, and she didn't mind. Every inch of her mind was consumed by him.

"Hermione, you okay?" Hermione bolted up.

"Was I asleep?" She yawned.

"Yeah," Draco chuckled, "you kept muttering mudblood under your breath. Are you okay?" Draco repeated.

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare from that day." Hermione sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Are you sure?" Draco questioned.

"Yeah. Surprisingly it's not as bad of a memory anymore. Maybe it's because you've made things better." Hermione smiled sweetly at him.

"Granger, you're going to kill me at this rate." Draco groaned.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Hermione raised a brow. Draco sighed and walked over, pulling her towards him, kissing her. Hermione was taken aback, but she didn't object. She leaned in and kissed back.

Draco pulled away, whispering, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He smiled, pressing their foreheads together.

"I'm happy you took a chance, I feel like neither of us were going to do anything." Hermione laughed happily.

"Yeah." The two smiled brightly.

"Ron? Do you think Draco and Gernione will get together?" Harry asked, playing with the ends of Ron's hair.

Ron, who had his eyes closed and head in Harry's lap opened one eye nonchalantly, "why bring this up suddenly?"

"I don't know. I mean, they're both intelligent." Harry commented.

"Harry, are the two of us dumb?" Ron asked.

"Yes." Harry Sgt back quickly.

"Man, you're harsh," Ron snorted.

"And yet you're dating me. Still, I do think those two might get together." Harry hummed sweetly.

"They get together and I'll propose." Ron scoffed.

"Really?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Hey Harry, Ron....." Hermione started softly, Draco close behind her.

"What is it 'Mione?" Ron asked.

"Draco and I just started dating!" Hermione announced, to which Harry laughed.

"Thank you for admitting that, Ron, you owe me a proposal!" Harry laughed.

"Idiots." Draco groaned.

"Why do I even try with these two?"


A/N: like I said, it's simply short.

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