Putting The Author In Her Fanfiction? Nah!

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A/N: just a joke chapter. It's kinda just a fun thing to do here and there and I thought it would be fun to write. So, yeah!

And this is just a joke chapter to made as filler, so don't get pissed at what I'm writing about, it in no way pertains to most of what I like about the movies, considering... anyways!

Also, keep in mind, when characters jump through universes, at least, based on how I see it, the world around them changers slightly to incorporate their existence. So, yeah.


Savannah happily walked down the street, heading to the library. She went alone, because god knows her little sister wouldn't want to go. So off she bounded.

Since the library was so close, it shouldn't have been a long walk, right?


Re roads winded just about everywhere and one had to cross a main road with no light and make traffic to get there. Savannah managed and made it to the library in a record fifteen minutes. She happily walked in the doors, only to see.....


Savannah looked around, everything changed around her. The door she entered was no longer glass and the library in front of her was not the one she memorized. Savannah pinched herself. The dream didn't fade, was it a dream?

Savannah looked at her clothes, seeing a robe and the proper attire for a Hogwarts students in the place of her causal clothes. She smiled at the emblem.

"Ravenclaw, nice." She grinned and walked back out the doors she came in, hoping to end up back in reality, but that check never came. She was sent into a hall filled almost to the brim with students. She blinked and looked around, trying to figure out what year it was. Giving up, she merged with the students who were going to the great hall for dinner. No one saw Savannah as out of place, so She just went to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to Luna.

"I see you managed to drag yourself out of the library." Cho giggled as soon as Savannah sat down. Savannah found that she knew exactly what to say, despite not knowing anything about her role.

"What of it? I like reading, okay? I've read every book in there." She sighed.

"You're a true Ravenclaw at heart." Luna smiled and Savannah picked some food from the table, putting it on her plate.

"It's not like I wouldn't survive in another house." Savannah joked, taking a bite out of the pudding she put on her plate.

"Come on, you wouldn't last a day with the Gryffindors." Cho teased.

"Says who?" Savannah laughed. Seconds after, a pair of hands cover her eyes.

"Say me." A male voice joked. Savannah removed the hands and looked back to see Harry smiling at her.

"What brings you to our wonderful table so early in the morning?" Cho asked.

"Just dropped by to say high." Harry shrugged. Savannah was a bit confused, no knowing what book or what chapter she was in. Her own age would make her think fifth year, or considering her upcoming birthday, sixth year, but it was like she was in a pocket dimension, created for her and her alone.

"Say high? Sure it wasn't to hit on Savannah?" Cho smirked. Harry went pink at the ears.

"Oh sod off. I'll see you around Savannah." Harry smiled and went back to his own table.

Okay, now Savannah was even more confused. She somehow managed to keep eating and act normal, but her mind was screaming. What type of world was this if the main character was hitting on her? It wasn't the Harry Potter world, that's for sure!

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