A/N: Dear....

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This is gonna be a tag thingy. I technically don't have to do it, but InstagramGirl3 did it and I thought it should be fun. Soooo. Yeah.

Dear Me:

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Dear Me:

At times I'm hard in myself and I can be a hut if a prick at times too. Still, even when times get tough, when we wan to scream it all out, we power through. We have friends who support us and believe in us, all while being major idiots with us. Stay strong. Like you always do.

Dear Mom:

There are time I wish I was born differently, but seeing you, my hero, be amazing always helps me change my mind. While you can be strict sometimes and sometimes get on my nerves, you're my hero and you raised me well. I love you.

Dear Dad:

I know you like Sierra more than me, but I still love you. You're always there for me and you're strict on me so I can succeed. When all else fails, I know I have you to rely on.

Dear Crush:

I have no crush. :p

Dear school:

Thanks for teaching me at an early age that life isn't rainbows and sunshine. Even with all the shit you throw at me, I'm thankful that because of you, I got to meet my friends, who make you so much more tolerable.

Dear siblings:

I'm not an easy person to deal with, and I hardly see two of you most of the time. I mean, the last time we were a full family, I was eight, so I know it's hard to deal with. And lil sis, we fight all the time, scream things we don't mean, but in the end. I love you, all of you. You bring so much pain and joy into my life. You're my inspirations.

Dear past me:

Hey, I know it's tough, that bright eyes happy girl is long gone. Just know that soon, you'll meet our best friends. The two people who will save you from your suicidal thoughts. They'll protect you even though they don't know they're doing it. Stick to writing, read to your warts content, pick up some paper and a pencil, there's so much ahead of you. So much.

Dear first love:

It feels like centuries have gone by. That fleeting feeling that made me giddy, your silly jokes. We really didn't know what love was back then, but now, looking back, feeling my heart flutter at every smile, I know I loved you and still do. Maybe that's why my heart just doesn't beat for anyone else, I'm still trying to move on. So, I hope you know, I loved and still love you, too this day, and wish you happiness with whatever path you choose.

Dear future me

I'm sure I'm still a geek, I'm sure we still act the same, even if we don't let on. I may be young, I may be confused about a lot of things, but I know that I still have the ambition to strive forward. Whatever you choose, I know it was for the best.

Dear Best Friend

You and Amy have always been there for me, and the both of us seem to always be lost in a sea of torment, but we keep pushing through. We do stupid things and act as each other's therapists. We've save each other multiple times and I have to say, honestly, I'm glad you're my friend. You're like the bother I wish I had. You make me smile more than anyone else, so I'm glad.

Dear Future child:

I know better than anyone that you'll be great, you'll go far, and I'll accept you no matter what. You'll be afraid of a lot of things, and I will be afraid too, but I know, whenever you come, whoever I end up with, the circumstances will mean nothing, as long as I have you.

Dear person I hate:

I don't care how innocent you act. I know the truth, you've hurt my friends and me in so many ways. I know your life, but you don't know mine, and that makes me satisfied.

Dear person I love:

No one currently. Besides a past live which doesn't count for this.

Dear ex best friend:

It was you who made me start to doubt myself, want to kill myself, but, that's a bit harsh. I was a bit young, I didn't understand thins right. So now, I'll say what I should've said before I left, I forgive you.

Dear people who hate me:

I love myself, I'm proud of myself, nothing you say will bring me down, I learned your tricks.

Dear (future since I'm single) boyfriend/girlfriend:

I'm a mess, I know, but you put up with it. Just know I'm a lover, and I fall way to easily, so if you break my heart, my friends might break you. :p

That got a bit personal! But I hope it taught you something about me. And if you're wondering, I'm not suicidal, no anymore at least, so don't worry.

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