Blaise x Ron ~ Maybe

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Silent_thoughts23. You requested it, now I am writing it.


"Is it just me, or is it like no one at this school is straight?" Harry chuckles as he sits with his two best friends.

"No one is." Hermione giggled, flashing a smile at Ginny.

"You have Ginny and you have Draco. When will I get someone?" Ron groaned.

"You have to put yourself out there Ron. Is it just me, or is Blaise staring at you Ron?" Harry questions. Ron glanced at the Slytherin table and Blaise, indeed, was staring at him. His dark eyes seemed to look into his soul, which he didn't have.

"Why are my palms sweating? Why is my heart beating faster? Why am I nervous?" Ron rushed together in the form of a question. Harry and Hermione smiled.

"That's obvious Ron. You have a crush on Blaise." Harry smiled widely.

"What?" Ron squeaked. Hermione giggles.

"That was the girlie at sound you have ever made." She giggled.

"If you like Blaise, why don't you go ask him on a date?" Harry questions. His green eyes filled with growing curiosity that lit up his green eyes.

"I don't know." Ron mumbled. He didn't even have to mood, there was a tap on his shoulder. Ron turned around and saw Blaise, nearly making him fall off the seat.

"Hey Blaise." Harry smiled. Blaise waved his hand and said a quick hello. He then turned his attention to Ron.

"I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out sometime?" He asked the ginger. Ron was in shock. But, he wanted to give a relationship a try.

"That sounds great." Ron smiled.

"Good. How about our next Hogssmade trip?" Blaise questions.

"Sounds good." Ron replies. Blaise nods and heads back towards his table. Ron faces his friends.

"That's only a few days away! We have to help you plan your outfit!" The two exclaimed.

"Guys, it's a causal date." Ron said, trying to call him friends down.

"So? You're going on your first date! This is the most important thing in your life, well, besides marriage, but it's important!" Harry exclaimed, shaking his friends shoulders.

"It's just a date. Calm down." Ron sighed.

"Not until after your date." Hermione smiled evilly. Ron laughed at his two friends. He glanced once more at the Slytherin table and met the eyes of Blaise. He smiled and knew he wouldn't regret accepting the date.


A/N: I hope I did a good job on this one shot. I had no idea the ship existed.

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