Percy x Oliver ~ "Studying" (High School AU)

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A/N: to anyone who came here for one ship in particular or you aren't a fan of Draco x Harry, Hermione x anyone or something, you're put a luck. I do take readers interests into consideration, but at the end of the day, these are my one shots and I write what I enjoy writing. So fuck off. *middle fingers to the sky*

Anyways, back with a new favorite, Percy and Oliver!

Warning!: Smut. Don't like it, don't read. It is literally just smut besides the tiny bit of plot before it. Soooooo, 🖕🏻f ya I'm writing smut. Besides, it's not super intense shit.

Also, I imagine these two would be very talkative during sex, so don't hate me for writing it that way.


"Have either of you seen Percy?" Molly asked her kids as she worked on making dinner.

"Oh, he said he'd be staying st Oliver's tonight. They're studying for an upcoming test." Ron informed, working in his homework with Harry, Hermione and Draco.

"Yeah, 'studying'." Draco snickered after Molly went away. Harry chuckled a bit too. Hermione caught on and she giggled.

"What's going on with you three?" Ron questioned with a raised brow.

"Ron, Percy and Oliver like each other right? Even if they haven't come out yet?" Harry reminded.

"Well, yeah, they're very obvious about it. What does that have to do with anything?" Ron questioned.

"Ron, I'm gonna be honest with you, I only study at your place, or with Hermione or you when you come over. Otherwise, "studying" is just an excuse for.... well, sex. All night long." Harry admits.

"But you study with Dr- eww!" Ron groaned. "This is not the way to come out to people, you know that, right?"

"I'm surprised you hadn't figured it out." Hermione snickered.

"Merlin, I hate all of you," Ron groaned, hitting his head on the table.

"Sorry mate." Harry shrugged.

"We really didn't even try hiding it." Draco snorted.

"Please, for my own sanity, stop talking."

"Sure. We need to finish studying after all." Harry teased.

"I fucking hate you guys." The three snickered.

Meanwhile, over at Oliver's house....

"You know, when people say they're going to study on a Friday afternoon, they don't actually study." Oliver commented as he finished a calculus problem.

"If you manage to get at least half of those questions I gave you correctly, we can get to what you invited me here for." Percy smirked as he worked on homework.

"You suck at dirty talk, but somehow it works." Oliver groaned as he went back to the makeshift problems Percy gave him.

"It's what you love about me. I'm already done, so you need to hurry up. I'm borrowing your shower." Percy put his things away and headed off to the bathroom connected to Oliver's room.

"It's my fault for dating someone extremely intelligent. Fucking hell." Oliver groaned as he finished the problems, triple checking them. About fifteen minutes later, after Oliver was sure his answers, Percy came out in only his boxers, not even his, he borrowed a pair of Oliver's clean ones and they were slightly baggy, and he wore Oliver's varsity jacket. Oliver blushed a bit at Percy's appearance.

"Did you finish?" He asked.

"Yeah." Oliver mumbled.

"Let me check." Percy sat next to Oliver and checked all his answers. "Well, I'm proud of you, you got all of them right!" Percy exclaimed.

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