Ron x Reader ~ Music & History

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A/N: like the last one, there will be two versions of this. One for girls and one for guys.

And addressing complaints....

I do not fucking care if you're upset wth the house choices I choose because how the fuck is anyone supposed to fucking address you if they don't know your fucking house. Especially with Draco considering your character was TALKING ABOUT HOW THEY WEREN'T A GRYFFINDOR! FUCKING HELL!

Ahem. Sorry, my temper escaped me...


Y/N: Your name

Y/E/C: your eye color

Y/H/C: your hair color

Y/L/N: Your last name

Y/F/N: your full name

Y/Z/S: your zodiac sign.

The two stories for guys and girls will be different, so, read both if you want!

Okay, let's get started!


|female version|

Y/N fidgeted with her Y/H/C hair, twirling it around her finger. Anything she could grasp. She heard footsteps and immediately straightened herself, looking poised and proper. The door opened and she slumped when it was only Harry.

"You need to stop waiting here for the team. Your own team might want to congratulate you." Harry chuckled.

"Very funny. I can't play anymore since I was only temporary." Y/N sighed.

"They're not coming by the way. Headed off already. Ron left with Hermione." She only seemed to sadden at the words.

"Harry, I'm not ugly, am I?" She asked.

"Huh? What? Of course not! Why do you ask?" Harry questioned.

Y/N sagged more, "no matter who it is, anytime I find interest in someone, they find someone else to look at. And it's not like I've ever been approached! I'm just a lowly Hufflepuff. No one even bothered to console me when Cedric died and he was my brother! My dad and I cried for so long." She started crying.

"Hey, I was there for you, wasn't I?" Harry smiled, putting an arm around her reassuringly, stopping the tears.

"That's because you were dating my brother you twatt!" Y/N sniffled.

"Don't be like that. I'm sure there's someone for you. You're a beautiful girl. Stunning." Harry assured. Y/N smiled at Harry and hugged him.

"Woah, am I walking in on something?" The two looked over, Ron standing in the frame.

"Thought you went back to the common room?" Harry raised a brow.

"Left my bag in here. Why's she in here, she's a Hufflepuff?" Ron snorted a bit rudely. Y/N felt a twinge of pain.

"Yeah, you're right, came to visit you idiots and all you do is be mean to me. Thanks for being a pal Harry, I'll see you around." She rushed off and Harry sighed.

"Ron, you're an upright arse sometimes. She came to see you." Harry informed.

"Why? We hardly know each other!" Ron defended himself, clicking up his bag.

"You two were so close last year as well... can't believe it." Harry left ahead of Ron, Ron running to catch up.

Y/N on the other hand, she had no intention of being around people for awhile, so she went to the lake. Her shoes and socks were off and her feet were in the water.

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