Draco x Harry ~ Soulmates

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A/N: First off, it's 2015!!!! Second off, I am almost at 2k reads!!!! Oh my god. You do not know how much that means to me! And also, this one shot is for the book characters and I got the idea from tumblr, and an app called iFunny. So I hope you like it.


When your soulmate thinks of you, your chest glows white. When your soulmate touch (skin to skin) for the first time, your chest glows red and it will every other time you touch skin to skin. Well, let's talk about it.

Second year, Hermione and Ron discovered they were Soulmates. Though it took them a couple years to start actually dating. But, seventh year, Harry returns to Hogwarts to save the wizarding world, unaware that he was about to meet his soulmate.

"Your chest is a dead giveaway, Harry. Your soulmate never seems to stop thinking about you!" Hermione whispered. She wasn't wrong. Ever since he got on the train for Hogwarts, actually, ever since he got his robes fitted for the first time, his chest hasn't stopped glowing.

"I know. Just go and get the basilisk fang, I have to go to the ROR. The diadem should be in there." Harry said. The trio parted as the separated. As Harry made his way to the ROR, his chest kept glowing brighter and brighter. "Oh look, I'm a human flashlight." Harry muttered darkly. Why did his soulmate think of him so much?

Harry made it to the ROR. He closed his eyes and thought of the very room he hid the book in. When he opened his eyes, a door had appeared and he entered. Harry weaved his way through the almost labyrinth type room. Finally, his eyes seized in the diadem. The ridiculousness of it seemed strangely alluring. Like it was dragging him closer in the pursuit of knowledge. His fingers wrapped around it.

"So your soulmate is thinking of you? Poor lass. I pity her for thinking of you." Draco's voiced laughed. Harry turned to look at Draco. He was greatly surprised to see that Draco seemed almost pained to say that.

"They never stop thinking of me. Everyone knows that." Harry said. He than realized Crabe and Goyle stood next to Draco. Even when he was terrified, Draco tried to impress his peers.

"You have something that belongs to me. I would like it back." Draco says. Harry knew Draco was talking about his wand.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry questions.

"It's my mothers. It's powerful, but it doesn't get me." Draco said. Harry held the diadem tightly. Well, everyone knows we're it went from there. Goyle was an idiot who set the room on fire that only he could put out and he fell into his own flames and died. Ron and Hermione had appeared to save the day, and as Ron tried to save Crabe, Harry tried to save Draco.

"Take my hand you git." Harry shouted. Draco reached out, his face covered in tons of sweat. His sweaty hand grasped Harry's and Harry pulled Draco on the back of the broomstick. When their hands touched, their chest started to glow. It was the first time the two boys had ever made skin to skin contact. Both boys knew their chests glowed red, but ignored it because like everyone knows, the room was on bloody fire!!!!

As they all race for the door, the flames tried to swallow them. It nicked their feet and warmed their skin. As they flew out of the room, they fell off their brooms and closed the door, trapping the flames inside to ROR.

"Uh, Harry? Why is your chest red along with Malfoy's?" Ron questions. Both boys looked at each other in a kind of horror before Harry broke the horrific silence.

"Can you stop thinking about me? I do not like when my chest lights up like a Christmas tree." Harry questions.

"You're my soulmate? Why?" Draco asked, looking at the sky.

"Hey, it's not my cup of tea either Malfoy." Harry said.

"We saved your life, so don't go and get yourself bloody killed." Ron said.

"Uh, let's give those two a moment Ron. Crabe already left, figures." Hermione said. They left the two boys alone, their chest seemed almost brighter than the sun.

"Yeah, don't get yourself bloody killed Draco." Harry said. Draco's cheeked were stained red.

"You don't get yourself killed either Harry." Draco responded.

"You know what, I might die anyway." Harry grabbed Draco's face with his hands and kissed him roughly on the lips. When he released Draco, he smiled.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" Draco questions, his entire face now redder than Ron's hair.

"I want to kiss my soulmate in case I die in this war." Harry said.

"Don't die." Draco said.

"I'll try not too." Harry turned and went to catch up with Ron and Hermione. Draco went to hide. He never wanted to be apart of this bloody war.

Now, if we go by the book, pretty much an hour later, Voldemort returns with a dead Harry, or so he thinks.

"Draco, come here." Lucius called to his son. Draco was just staring at Harry's limp body. He felt stiff and dead inside. But, his chest still glowed white. He exchanged a look with Ron and Hermione. Harry wasn't dead.

"No." Draco said loudly. Outrage filled all the faces of each and every death eater, and even Voldemort himself.

"You fool!" The great Harry Potter is dead. You're on a losing side." Voldemort hissed.

"Actually, I'm not." At that moment, people charged out of the castle. The battle had begun yet again.

"Where's Harry? Has anyone seen Harry?" Hagrid exclaimed. Good, Harry slipped away. Harry felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Harry. He punched his shoulder.

"You gave me a heart attack you git." Draco exclaimed.

"I'm alive, aren't I?" Harry smiled.

"Just go save the world Potter." Malfoy grumbled.

"You're coming with me." Harry pulled the invisibility cloak over themselves. Draco was pulled with Harry to the very spot Voldemort was. Draco's aunt was killed right n front of his eyes. He didn't really like her anyway. Harry pulled off the cloak when he thought Voldemort was about to kill someone.

"Hey Voldemort, prepare to lose!" Harry exclaimed. Draco facepalmed at Harry's actions.

"How are you still alive?" Voldemort asked. Blah blah blah, epic battle and so on. Let's jump to after the battle.

"Do you have to keep getting yourself almost killed?" Draco practically yelled at Harry.

"We all know it's his specialty." Ron said, not commenting once on how Harry and Draco are Soulmates.

"I almost get killed every year I come to this school." Harry laughed.

"It's not funny. People died today Harry." Draco frowned. Harry dropped the smile.

"I know. I knew most of them. I'm trying not to break down crying." Harry said.

"Okay, when did you and this thing start getting so comfortable around each other?" Ginny asked Harry.

"You do realize I have a name right?" Draco questions.

"Yes. But how are you talked me to him so normally?" Ginny questions. Harry just grabbed Draco's hand and their chests glowed red. People noticed that.

"They're Soulmates sis." Ron said, a large grin on his face.



A/N: How was it? I don't think it was my best but I have to ask for your guy's opinions. So, what do you think? Is it awesome?

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