James x Lilly ~ First Date

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'Who would've thought James Potter could be so romantic?' That was Lily Evan's only thoughts as James held an umbrella over their heads, holding her close.

"We're here." James said quietly. He was beyond nervous. Lily looked at where they were and saw a cafe. James took her to a muggle cafe? They walked in and went to the front.

"Hello there darlings. What would you like?" The woman asked kindly.

"Two milkshakes please." James said. He smiled at Lily. "Chocolate milkshakes please."

"Coming right up! That will be two pounds." She said. At first, Lily thought James would be confused at muggle money, but James pulled out two pounds and paid the women. The woman made the shakes and brought them to the two. The pair sat down in a booth by the window.

"I know it's not the most impressive place, but I discovered it and thought it would be a good idea for a first date." James said, blushing.

"It's perfect James. I'm greatly surprised." Lily grabbed his hand. To anyone at Hogwarts, this would be weird. James didn't get flustered. James didn't blush. Well, you don't know how a person really is until you pull them away from their friends and see how their gears work.

"I'm glad you like it. I, um, got you this." James pulled out a box and revealed a necklace.

"James, it's beautiful!" Lily exclaimed. The chain was gold and had swirling lines covering a ruby heart, encasing it in the gold.

"I saw it and thought of you." James admitted. He put it on her. The necklace looked perfect on her.

"You know James, I never knew you were such a romantic." Lily says.

"Well, you make me a different man. You make me better. That's something I would never say to anyone but you." James said. Now Lily blushed. Her face was almost as red as her hair. The pair enjoyed their milkshakes as the rain was starting to cease. When the pair finally left the cafe, the sun was shining.

"Look Lily. A rainbow." James pointed out. The rainbow was bright and beautiful.

"You know, there might be a pot a gold at the end of it." Lily joked.

"Even if there was, I've got all I need right here." James said. Lily grabbed James face and pressed her lips on his.

"I'm glad I finally said yes to a date with you." She whispered.


A/N: That was the most adorable thing I have ever written.

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