Claire RedWood x James Sirius Potter ~ White Roses

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A/N: The new characters will reappear in every second generation one shots, so get used to them. Let's get this one shot started.


Claire Redwood stood around 5'10 with long dark red hair that went to her waist. Freckles covered her face and sprekled all over her pale skin. She wasn't fat, but she wasn't skinny. She had a decent body weight and had curves. Her eyes were a stunning Moss green with gold flecks on the inside, giving her a mystifying appearance.

James Potter had raven black hair that often covered his chestnut brown eyes that gave you the illusion of innocence and kindness. His skin was tan and his lips were pale pink. He stood around 6'2, making him only a few inches taller Then Claire.

It was February fourth, early morning. The ground was covered with freshly fallen snow that was untouched and beautiful. The skies were a rich blue and frost covered every window. It was Sunday. James was a loud Gryffindor who could have any girl that he wanted. Claire was a soft spoken Ravenclaw who preferred books over boys. Strangely enough, the pair were best friends. At the moment, they were both sitting at their own tables.

"You are so obvious Claire." Mikelena snorts.

"I am?" Claire questions, looking at her friend who Everyone nick named Lena. Lena had bushy black hair that went a little past her shoulders. Her eyes were a shimmering silver and her skin was pale. She was quite skinny, no surprisingly. She hardly ever ate much.

"Yes, you are." Ryan laughed. Ryan was only a year ahead of them in seventh year. He had brown hair that covered his hypnotic sky blue eyes. His skin was tan and his body was built.

"Oh shut up." Claire sighed.

"You have to ask him out someday soon." Lena said. James was stuck in a similar situation as well.

"For Pete sake, just ask her out." Chase groaned. Chase was one of the tallest kids at school. She stood around 6'7. Her hair was short and a hazelnut brown and here eyes were dark chocolate brown.

"I sent her roses and a card. That's about as much courage I have when it comes to her." James sighs.

"You are ridiculous." Alex muttered. He was one of the most attractive boys in the year. He had red eyes that he often paired with blue contacts, making his eyes look purple. His hair was stark white, he towered at 6'5, making James the shortest in the group. His face was sharp and pointed and his skin milky white.

"I know. Oh look, that annoying elf is here." James muttered.

"These are for you Claire RedWood." The elf said, handing her a bundle of white roses, frost covering the beautiful roses.

"These are beautiful, I wonder who sent them." Claire said with a soft smile. She picked up the note and read to herself.

'Dear Claire RedWood,
Ever since third year, I thought of you as more than a best friend. You make me laugh when I'm down, you correct me when I'm wrong. I'm in love with you Claire. Would you want to go out sometime?

James Sirius Potter'

Claire looked over at her blushing best friend and smiled. She nodded and he blushed even more. Claire sniffed the beautiful roses and day dreamed of her first date with James.


A/N: this chapter is dedicated to a certain iFunny user. You are awesome.

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