The Marauders ~ Happy Endings Exist, Not In Our Case

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A/N: So, if you read the title of this one shot, you know this isn't going to end in a happily ever after. But it's not completely sad.


Booming laughter filled the halls of Hogwarts. The lonely empty halls of the school were in ruins. It was not something you'd expect. As students sat, they could hear the laughter float through their ears, and around the room. Minivera knew the laughter so well and smiled sadly, knowing perfectly well the ghostly laughter of the marauders.

Even though most couldn't put names to the laughter, it brought such sad thoughts. How the laugh tracked through time? The school absorbed it, and as it broke, the laughter broke free. It was a horrible reminder that not all heroes get happy endings, not everyone does, even though they exist. Shall we travel through time to visit the marauders?

(Marauder Era: 5th Year)

The four friends laughed and laughed until they couldn't laugh anymore. It was such a beautifully happy sound that you couldn't help but smile if you heard.

"Padfoot, that's a brilliant joke!" James laughed. The others nodded. Their cheeks hurt from laughing so much.

"Why thank you Prongs. Come on guys, we should get back to the common room." Sirius suggested as they walked.

"Yeah, it's getting dark." Peter whimpered.

"How are you still afraid of the dark Wormtail?" Remus asked, plain curious how Peter was still afraid when the four of them were almost always outside at night.

"I don't know Moony." Peter said, picking at his nails as if he were a guilty man.

"Never mind. We should get back." Remus replied. Their feet hit the ground in a repeated pattern that sounded similar to that of a pounding heartbeat.

"Hey Evans!" James called outs as they passed by Lily. She was next to Severus. She rolled her eyes and went back to talking Snape, her face anything but happy. They were obviously arguing about something, don't be surprised if it was James.

"Mate, you could have any girl you wanted, why do you want her?" Sirius questions.

"She makes me feel different, a good different. It's difficult to explain. Every time we talk, my heart is in my throat and my stomach seems to contain bludgers. My palms sweat and I can't seem to speak. I hate to be cheesy, but I'm in love with her. Any of you make fun of me for it, I will shave your heads." James warned after is long winded explanation.

"Hey, mate, I know how you feel." Sirius said.

"Really? You of all people?" Remus laughed.

"What's funny about it?" Sirius asks.

"I haven't seen you talk to the same girl for over a week, besides Lily of course, because of Prongs' obsession." Remus said as if it were an obvious fact. Peter looked extremely uncomfortable.

"I never said it was a girl Mooney." Sirius said plainly.

"So it's a boy?" Remus questions.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Sirius replied in an almost bored tone.

"Just kiss already you two. Merlin." James dragged out, continuing to walk. Both boys blushed and continue to follow James. That was the start to a happy story, but, things got tragic a year after Harry was born. To say it was this infants fault is harsh, but it is basically true.

Peter betrayed his friends, but karma would come to bite him in the ass soon, well, 16 years. Sirius was wrongly accused and arrested, losing the only person he loved, Remus, and his best friend who was like his brother, along with Lily. Even when he escaped, Remus didn't trust him at first, and two years later, Sirius was murdered, but he died protecting Harry, much Like James and Lily did.

Wormtail's Karma was quite pitiful really. He was a scared and pathetic man who went and released Harry, when his own metallic hand choked him to death. And finally Remus, the last of the Marauders to die. He was married and had a child, but was killed in the battle, his wife soon followed, making the child an orphan, much Like Harry.

They had died in reverse order of their names on the map. The saddest part is, none of them made it to the age of 40 years old, and none of them could see Harry grow up, the thing they all wanted to do most.

(James Potter - Killed at 21)
(Sirius Black - Killed at 35)
(Peter Pettinggrew - Killed at 37)
(Remus Lupin - Killed at 37)

They had a happy lives, but for the marauders, happy endings didn't exist.

They never did.


A/N: Might be Awhile before I post anything for this again. But I'll try my best.

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