Draco X Harry ~ High School Drama (AU)

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A/N: for those of you who were *cough* disturbed by my last chapter, here is a nice, slightly fluffy chapter to erase the darkness of the last story!

No regrets

Also, I'm curious, how old are some of you guys? Cause I feel kinda guilty that some of you are like 12 and reading this. To be fair though, I think I started writing these one shots around when I was 12 to 13. So, can't really judge.

Anyways, straight into the story, that takes place in America! Yes, it's another god damn high school AU!


"Harry, congrats on winning the game last night." Dean smiled at Harry.

"It was a tough game. Malfoy was giving us some trouble." Ron complained.

"Oh hush Ron. Malfoy did as much as you did!" Hermione shushed. Harry smiled awkwardly.

"Guys, I just want to get to class. Okay?" Harry chuckled.

"Like you actually care about class." Ron snickered.

"Must be because Ginny's taking it." Dean laughed.

"Ginny's a sophomore." Ron grumbled.

"It's theater. Doing tons of improv. Great stress reliever." Harry waved goodbye to his friends and headed to the auditorium. It was like a separate entity to the rest of the school. Everyone shed the stereotype placed on them and became themselves.

"Oh, look here, the king of Football has arrived!" Draco exclaimed sarcastically, sitting on the edge of the stage.

"Honestly Draco, I don't even know why everyone's praising me. It was you who got the winning goal." Harry praised.

"That's because you are the most charismatic and charming guy at the school." Harry walked over and placed his hands next to Draco.

"What do you think of me?" Harry smirked.

"You're a twat." Draco snorted.

"You insult me. I love you too ferret." Harry smiled and pressed a quick kiss to Draco's lips.

"Ugh, you too are so gross. I hate couples." Ginny exasperatedly sighed. Very few people where there, Fred, George and Percy weren't there since they were home sick.

"I think they're quite cute." Luna gushed.

"Luna, she was being sarcastic." Neville sighed.

"I know." Luna grinned.

"Aren't you just lovely." Cedric rolled his eyes.

"Why are you here, you graduated already?" Blaise complained.

"I'm the teacher assistant. I have to be here." Cedric reminded.

"We are the smallest class you could assist." Harry scoffed.

"Well anyways, Lupin can't be here today, so I'm in charge. The substitute didn't show up. So let's play a few improve games." Cedric suggested.

"Freeze is always fun." Draco suggested himself.

"Yeah, but only if you and Harry start us off." Ginny joked with a smirk.

"You guys always make us do something sexual," Harry groaned.

"What, there's nothing better to do?" Blaise shrugged.

"Okay, get on stage everyone. We have risers today so sit on there," Cedric ordered. Everyone jumped up on the stage and Harry took center stage with Draco. "Let's give them a scene. Without Lupin here, I really don't care what scene you give them."

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