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This is the last time I'm doing. This, okay? I will not post it somewhere else because you guys won't stop. Look, I know it's a fun thing to do, but I'm not a fan of chain things like this. I'd rather do it on my own.

So fucking here! Tagged by @Gryf_Slyth_Claw_Puff. (I don't hold anything against you, just stop)

1) Banana, Nana & Sav. I hate them all. (Depending on the person) and in here a lot of you call me Author-Chan or Author-San which I don't mind. But the names Savannah, I don't mind if you call me that either.

2) honey brown, or as my friend who had a crush on me likes to say, "like a warm honey brown with flecks of gold all sprinkled on milk chocolate." (Idk, he's weird)

3) ash blonde. A rarer from of blonde according to my older sis, but is a variation of dirty blonde.

4) I'm extremely flexible and have freaked people out on multiple occasions because I'm a human pretzel.

5) blue for color, Black for shade.

6) favorite place? Well, I love my room?

In all honesty, it's the sandy beaches of California that I miss so much, the way the hot sand burnt my feet and the sun nipped at my skin.

7) hmmmmmm... Ryan tudyk, Emma Watson, Tom Felton and my personal favorite, every actor Spider-Man since 2000. I grew up living that shit.

8)Cat. I'm a simple person, and I already have three so there you go.


You're gonna go far kid & Hey Jude, they were my favorite songs as a kid.

10) I love pretty much anything so I don't have a definite favorite. I guess Harry Potter since it was my first series (I watched the movies first since I was a kid) but actually reading chapter book wise.... The magic Tree house will always hold a special place in my heart.


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