Second Generation ~ New Years

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A/N: I am almost at 1K reads guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my one shots! Also, Merry Christmas! Oh, how I love the holidays. Anyways, to the story.


Laughter emitted from the back of everyone's throat as they all joked around and waited for New Year's Day. The friends were inside, glad that soon, all of them besides Hugo and Lily of course, will be leaving Hogwarts.

"How's the married life for you guys." Savannah asked James and Claire, who had gotten married a year after they left Hogwarts. Basically, this year. Lena and Alex were currently engaged.

"Great. We know it seems like we're rushing things, but it was meant to be." Claire smiled. Her miss green eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she took another swig of her drink.

"You know what they say, is Potter's tend to fall in love with red heads or blonds." James smiled.

"That would explain it." Savannah smiled.

"Savannah! Get your fat arse over here!" Scorpius exclaimed. Savannah rolled her eyes.

"This is why most people don't date a Malfoy." Savannah jogged off.

"You look beautiful Julia." Albus said as they looked at the twinkling stars. Julia blushed bright red. It could even be called redder than her shirt, which happened to be a dark, deep, rich red.

"And you look dashing. But you always do." Julia said.

"No way." Rose exclaimed.

"Yes way! I got a boyfriend! His name is Henry and he's the son of the Seamus Finnegan!" Katie exclaimed.

"How long will this one last." Ann muttered under her breath.

"You should just wear glasses. Those blue eye contacts make your red eyes purple." Lena groans.

"Fine, but only because I love you." Alex joked. Chase and Ryan were playing rock, paper, scissors. Thy never really do parties. Ron and Hermione were sitting with teddy and Victorie, who got married a few years ago. Victorie was currently pregnant. Harry and Ginny were outside, staring at the stars. George and Roxanne were planning jokes and pranks with Lena and Alex.

Bill and Fluer were also with Teddy and Victore as they all chatted about the baby. Percy and his wife and his children were all trading with Rose and Ann. Bookworms. Old and frigid Molly along with Arthur were talking to Albus and Julia. Everyone had a place.

"Hey, where did Katie, Savannah, and Scorpius go?" Lena questions. The question was answered when luna and Neville walked in, chatting with the three, and Lily and Hugo.

"Hey." They all said in perfect harmony.

"Guys, 12 seconds." Teddy said.












"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!" They all screamed as they kissed their partner. Rose, Ann, Katie, Chase and Ryan felt a bit awkward considering that their partner wasn't there, or they did not have one.


A/N: Ta da! What did you think?

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