Scorpius x Albus ~ What Am I To You

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A/N: like I promised, here is an update! Hope you like it!


"Albus, talk to him. We're in seventh year. It's now or never." Savannah said to Albus.

"We are together Savannah, just not the way I would like." Albus admitted.

"What, are you friends with benefits?" Savannah asks. Albus blushes dark red. "You are? Him, doesn't surprise me. But you? Go and March to Scorpius. You deserve so much better than that." Savannah snorts.

"You scare me sometimes." Albus chuckled.

"The my job here is done. I have to now talk to Rose. See you later!" Savannah skipped away. Literally skipped! Albus saw Scorpius reading a book.

"It's now or never." Albus whispers under his breath. He walked over to the platinum haired angel and the boy looked up from his book.

"Hey Al. What's up?" He asked.

"What are we?" Albus asked.

"Best friends." Scorpius replied without missing a beat.

"That's all I am? Just your best friend?" Albus questions.

"Al, let's talk somewhere were no one can overhear." Scorpius grabbed Albus' wrist and walked to the Room of Requirements. When they entered, Albus continued.

"I don't want to be friends with benefits anymore! It drives me nuts! I'm not supposed to get attached and I did!" Albus exclaimed. Scorpius flinched slightly at the sound of his voice.

"Al." Scorpius tried to calm.

"What am I to you?" Albus asked. His eyes looked hurt and he wanted so badly for Scorpius to say that Albus was the person he was in love with.

"Al, you're my best friend." Scorpius said.

"That's all I am! I'm in love with you and I'm only your friend?" Albus shouted angrily.

"You didn't let me finish." Scorpius interrupted. Albus looked at Scorpius curiously.

"What were you going to say?" Albus questions. Scorpius took a step closer, leaving them a foot apart. Due to their height difference, Albus had to look up to meet Scorpius' eyes.

"I was going to say, I love you." Scorpius leant down and pressed his lips on Albus'. He was taken by surprise, even though this wasn't the first time they kissed. It was soft and slow. Way different from their normal kisses. They pulled apart gasping for breath.

"I didn't know." Albus whispers.

"It's okay. Would you be my boyfriend Al?" Scorpius asked.

"We both know the answer. Of course!"


A/N: that was kinda awkward to write. Actually, really awkward.

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