Drarry Vs Fremione ~ Bickering

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A/N: I haven't gotten a chance to do fermione so this should be fun. This was requested by @WriterinFandomWorld

And if you're wondering why I used the title I did... well.... yeah no, I don't feel like explain my thought process.

Also, there is a homophobe Fred and Hermione I this. I also decided to make this more.... informative as well. I'll tell you why I wrote it this way at the end. Thought I should warn ya.

"You know, Ron would get mad if he saw us sneak out like this." Feed commented.

"As if George wouldn't either. Even if you two are twins, you bicker like an old married couple sometimes." Hermione joked, holding Fred's hand leading. Him to the ROR.

"I didn't really take you for a rule breaker." While their actions seems loud, the pair was actually quite quiet, avoiding getting caught,

"Oh really? How long have you know me." Hermione dragged Fred down into a kiss.

"We definitely not following Umbridge's rules. I'm all over you." Fred jokes, kissing back a bit.

"If we don't want to be caught, we need to hurry up." Hermione smirked as she pulled away.

"Guess you're right." The pair reached where the door would be and closed their eyes, pressing their hands against the walls, feeling for a grove. Fred found it first, opting the door. The pair happily entered, flirting to the hearts content when they came across something unsightly! Scandalous.

Harry Potter and Draco were making out, pretty much naked, spare for the boxers, and they were super into it. Luckily, Draco and Harry heard Hermione and Fred entered and pushed away from each other, though there was really nothing they could do to correct them. Or change their mind at least.

"What were you two doing?" Hermione asked, an almost horrified look on her face.

"Nothing!" Harry exclaimed, trying to pull at least a shirt back on. Draco was already ahead of it.

"What were planning to do?" Fred questioned. The two boys couldn't look at them, they couldn't look at each other.

"Harry, you hate Malfoy! You always talk about it!" Hermione pointed out.

"I lied. Merlin forbid I like anyone at this school." Harry snapped, trying to Draco to look at him. Draco was still just getting dressed.

"It's disgusting!" Hermione gasped.

"Didn't expect that from you." Draco muttered.

"Says the one racist against muggle borns!" Fred defended. Draco's fist clenched and Harry aced a hand on his shoulder. He calmed down and moved away from Harry's touch.

"My family is quite....." Draco paused, "my family is stuck in the past. Forgive me if I was raised that way." Draco got up.

"I'm heading back to my dorm. We shouldn't have done this anyways." Draco got up.

"What? You mean you're breaking up with me because someone walked in on us?" Harry asked.

"That's not it. We probably should've waited." Draco tried to leave but Hermione locked the door with magic.

"How long?" Hermione asked.

"Last year. We got together after the Yule ball." Harry admitted.

"How can you trust him? He's against everything we ever worked for!" Fred shouted.

"We? Ha. You mean the prejudice every kid at this bloody school has?" Harry growled. He rose to his feet. "The Slytherin's are isolated, looked down upon because they're Slytherins. I was supposed to be a Slytherin!" Harry screamed. Everyone looks lord at Harry who looked at the ground. He scratched the back of his neck. "Why do I have to care about what you guys say. I love that dork."

"Harry..." Draco sighed.

"Even Dumbledore plays favorites. I should hate everyone, considering with what I was forced to grow up with. I don't, I know none of you can help it! None of you! You act like you're better than everyone else!" Harry grabbed the edge of the couch and looked at the fire.

"I don't act that way." Hermione and Fred say together.

"Yeah right. Look at what you said. I'm kinda envious of that. I mean, I lost everything and was given nothing in return. I put my heart out there, everyone sees it, and Merlin, the first thing all of you noticed about me was that I was Harry Potter!" The sound of Harry's voice made the three flinch. "And why should you judge Draco and I when you two are dating." Harry laughed.

"Why's that? We're a perfect couple." Hermione defended.

"Oh, the both of you aren't remotely secretive, and I know two people who are suffering because of it." Harry mocked. "Draco, I'll walk you back." Harry offered.

"I don't know if that's a good idea you need to cool down a bit." Draco walked back over to Harry, brushing hair away from his face. He offered a small smile. Fred and Hermione glanced at each other. They really had nothing to say. What could they say. Harry was blowing up a lot recently.

"I'm sorry, there's just so much going on." Harry sighed.

"I know, I understand." The pair was talking quietly, like they had done this before, but maybe with their positions switched.

"Look, were heading out, you two can use the room. Just Donny tell anyone about this. I may be fine with everyone knowing, but with Draco's family life, I'm not putting him through that." Harry informed. Hermione sighed and unlocked the door as the pair left under the invisibility cloak.

"Were we too harsh?" Hermione asked.

"Harry is our friend." Fred groaned.

"I just can't believe he's... gay. Of all things to be." Hermione mumbled.

"It's not a completely new thing, it's just, not very common for wizards." Fred huffed.

"All of this talk got me tried. We should head back too." Hermione suggested tiredly.

"Yeah. What a waste of a beautiful night."


A/N: so, I wanted to capture how people around the time did Harry Potter may have felt, especially in the wizarding world. So I decided to make Fred and Hermione homophobic while Harry was getting extremely upset. For good reason too. He was surrounded by hypocrites.

Anyways, I hope you liked it and I'll see you all, in the next one shot!

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