Dean x Seamus ~ Baby Of Mine

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A/N: Fianlly! A part two to nightmares! If you guys don't remember the ending of the chapter, we'll, go read it. I thank @Ravenxferret22 for the name of the girl and I'm surprised it took me awhile to come back to this.

Those not into mpreg.... who cares, I write what I want, there's no one to stop me. And no bashing on what other people are into. Like, I mean, I have a huge dislike for BDSM because I hate being in pain or giving pain, pleasurable or not, but I still write one shots about it because people like that shit and I just shrug when people say they're into it. Point is, there's someone into it, so fuck off.


"Congratulations on both the wedding and the kid!" Dean laughed happily, patting Percy on the back.

"Yeah, he's a spitting image of his dad." Percy smiled softly.

"Which one?" Oliver smirked.

"Oh Merlin, you already have dad jokes. Our poor kid." Percy sighed heavily.

"You named the kid Fred Remus. He also has both our last names." Oliver reminded.

"Well, he'll be announced as Fred Wood Weasley." Percy pouted as he held his child in his arms. The baby was asleep and the couple happily gazed at their child. Magic did this, magic brought them a kid where adoption would've have been what they were forced to do. It's not a bad thing, but sometimes people want a child that has a strong tie to them. For Oliver and Percy, after Percy's loss of a brother, obviously wanted a stronger tie.

"You planning on having any more?" Seamus asked, his arms around Dean.

"I come from a big family, you should know the answer." Percy blushed.

"Lots of kids." Oliver confirmed. "What about you two, I heard you're reaching when she should be born, and your wedding is coming up too."

"Yeah, were getting married in a few months and she's due in a few days though, it's really hard to tell." Dean chuckled, gesturing to his mostly flat stomach.

"Oh, the perks of magical reproduction." Oliver smiled.

"Even though we don't give birth the normal way, we do it using magic, it's still painful as hell. Accept whatever medicine they give you." Percy smiled painfully.

"That is not what you want to hear before you give birth." Dean groaned.

"I heard Draco and Harry are giving it a try. At the same time. They're a switch." Seamus commented.

"Well, more kids I guess." Percy shrugged, handing Fred off to Oliver. "I'm going to turn in, you tuck in Fred tonight." The pair shared a quick kiss before Percy left for the bedroom.

"It's getting late, you two should head home." Oliver suggested.

"Yeah, we should, we'll come visit soon." Seamus waved goodbye as they headed towards the front door.

"You better have a baby by then!" Oliver joked as they left, the pair chuckling while doing so.

"Uh, Seamus..." Dean, calmly hunched over on his spot in bed an hour after they got home.

"What is it Dean?" Seamus yawned and turned over.

"We need to get to the hospital....." Dean causally comments, making Seamus think for a minute.

"Oh my Merlin you're giving birth!" Seamus hopped out of bed and grabbed everything. " we need to apparate!"

"No kidding." Dean chuckled. Seamus was frantic while Dean acted like it was any other day. It passed by in a flash to them, to Dean at least, who kinda blacked out during most of it.

When Dean came to his senses, he was holding a baby girl, who was the spitting image of himself, with Seamus' eyes and freckles. A beautiful girl.

"She's so beautiful." Dean chuckled softly as he held her.

"She looks just like you." Seamus sat on the edge of the hospital bed. Their doctor smiling a bit.

"You know, my department has gotten a lot more business lately. The  Oliver-Weasley family, you and the Potter-Malfoy's soon enough. It's gotten quite lively here." The doctor chuckled.

"Well, there seems to be a lot of gay wizards lately." Seamus joked.

"Apparently. So, have the two of you picked out a name, I got the certificate right here." The doctor informed.

"We have. We're calling her Aideen Minerva Thomas. My name will be with the next kid." Seamus joked.

"That poor kid." Dean jokingly sighed.

"Sod off." The two looked at their child happily, the baby having lighter skin than dean, which made sense considering how pale Seamus was.

"Are you serious?" The doctor joked.

"No, of course not, her last name will be Thomas Finnigan. Has a nice ring to it." Seamus smiled happily.

"I agree." They pair once again happily smiled at their daughter, the baby now awake, wide eyed in wonder, staring at her two dads. She giggled happily, surprising the doctor, but making her parents smile.

"They grow up so fast...." Seamus spike, tearing up.

"She's barely walking, and we have another kid on the way, stop being so sad." Dean chuckled.

"I can't help it, I'm not from a big family, I'm emotionally attached." Seamus pouted.

"That's normal as a dad. Merlin, why did I marry you." Dean sighed.

"Because we're soulmates... of sorts. Quite the wedding, we got married only a week after you got out of the hospital." Seamus recalled fondly.

"That was something. Oliver and Percy were just gushing over her, talking about how well Fred and Aideen will get along. All that." Aideen waddled back over to her parents and plopped on the ground in front of then, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

"I'm sure they'll be friends, just look at her." Aideen smiled on cue while Seamus pointed.

"She's bound to be a little charmer." Dean picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"You're getting a little brother soon, are you excited?" Seamus asked sweetly to Aideen. Not knowing what her parents were saying, she just nodded wildly.

"She's simply adorable. We should put her to bed soon." Dean suggested.

"You're right. I'll tuck her in tonight. You get some rest." Dean handed off Aideen to Seamus and the pair shared a quick kiss before Dean headed to bed, bound to be woken up later from his daughters midnight wails.


A/N: hope you guys liked it! Just short and sweet!

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