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Time to answer the stuff I get asked a lot.

How old are you?:15 going on 16

Grade: 10th

When did you start writing: I've always been writing, but I guess I really got into it when I was in 7th grade.

Why are there typos in your stories/why do you leave them?: I'm lazy, and I like the jokes people make about typos. Sue me.

Why won't you do *insert ship* : if it's not in here by now, I've either tried writing it and hated it, hate the ship, or haven't heard of it.

When will you do *insert promised thing*: Guys, not everything happens right away. Also, I have a life as well, thanks.

Where do you get your pictures: google. Obviously.

Read for read/Follow for follow: no, stop. Fuck off.

Any tips for future writers: Never let anyone put you down, and write something everyday, even if it's only a sentence. And trust, have passion, that's all you really need.

What do you actually plan on doing with your future: I simply want to be a writer. In any way. I love it so god damn much.

Any books you'd recommend:

Of course. Let me use lesser known series for this....

Shadow Children(series)

Any book by Sarah Dessen

Zodiac (book& series)

And yeah. I love these series the most next to the obvious HP, PJO, HO, KC, TA, MC. (Literally the last ones were all Rick Riordian.)

How difficult is it writing?: it depends. Motivation comes and goes, same with ideas. It's hard to have both at the same time.

What's your house: well, it's between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Pottermore says Ravenclaw, everything else says Slytherin, soo.....

I'm also a horned serpent, which is Ravenclaw and Slytherin put together basically.

Have you cosplayed any HP characters? (Get asked this a lot for some reason): a few.

-female Draco
- James

Yup, that's it. Only Draco was full on, others were casual using only the sweater vest wth house emblem.

Last one....

Have you had an account on here before?: I made an account in the early 2010's, but the account wasn't run by me but rather a friend of mine who is no longer a friend. They did some stuff and tried to get out of it and deleted the account. The username was originally mine anyways, so I started it back up and here I am. Just so you know.

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