Deceiving Looks

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A/N: feels like forever since I last updated. Even though it has only been a few days. Well, here is the next one shot.


Faces upon faces. No matter how much we evoke and learn, us humans have one flaw. We learn to judge someone by their looks. On the Hogwarts grounds, it is no different.

Everyone assumes Harry is innocent and brave, with a heart of gold. Just because of his looks and the scar on his forehead which is hidden under his bangs. In reality, Harry is a weak and cunning dirty minded person. He can't stop thoughts that come to him. Especially when the thought wound up near Draco. Draco consumed Harry's thoughts.

Hermione was perceived as a bookworm who wasn't the most attractive compared to other girls. She was known for being a faithful friend of Harry and dear enemies with Pansy Parkson. The reality of the situation was that Hermione was all charm. She lured boys towards her like a magnet. In their eyes, she was beautiful. She used no spell, charm, or potion. Magen not seen in public, she gossips and giggles with Pansy.

Ron is perceived as the best friend of Harry who loyalties are strong. He is not the wisest and is an excellent keeper. If you knew him well, you would realize he wasn't the most loyal. Though he tried to remain a loyal friend to Harry, he couldn't always help his doubts about his friend. He was actually quite bright when it came to the dark arts. He was a natural. But he cracked under pressure.

Draco Malfoy is believed to be a spoiled rich kid who had everything handled to him. His skill was in potions and he seemed to radiate danger and taint on his innocence. He held power from his wealth and his name. If you pushed back the false image he placed, you would see a weak boy, who's afraid of his own father. He was innocent in most ways. But, his innocence was tainted from harsh beatings his father gave. 'Be perfect and never taint our image.' His father would growl. The only escape for him was thinking about a certain Gryffindor with raven hair and emerald green eyes, framed with round glasses.

Crabe and Goyle. How do you begin to describe them. Loyal henchmen or minions to Draco who stuff themselves silly? Well, throw that false image away. Goyle was only looking out for himself, prepared to turn against Draco if he ever needed too. It led to his own demise in the flames he created. Crabe, well, he lived up to the image he created.

Pansy Parkson. At first assumption, she is believed to be after Draco's heart. Wanting the money and the name of course. This is false. She knows the struggles of her friend and is actually hitting on a certain dark skinned prince who she admired.

Blaise Zanabi. There isn't much to tell besides the fact he held a mysterious era around him. Tall and soft spoken. Well, he actually is a helpless romantic who can't help but adore Pansy and her weirdness.

We evoked and we always guess by appearance, but you can't trust that. You thought that was the story? No, no, no. That was just the introduction.

"Potter." Draco sneered. His nostrils flared and his cold grey eyes bore into Harry's emerald green. Their friends flanked their sides. As their eye looked into each other's, both of their eyes flickered. Draco's eyes flickered of both fear and innocence. Harry's eyes flickered tainted and broken. They snapped their gazes away startled. Ron took immediate action, sensing the awkwardness floating around them.

"Come on. We need to do our homework." Ron reacted quicker than anyone had actually anticipated.

"Right. Come on." They trio brushed past the five people. Harry's green orbs met Draco's cold grey and their eyes spoke a silent message. The trio left the hallway and the five people left kept walking the other way.


A/N: technically, it is a Drarry one shot. Oh well. Hope you liked it!

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