Percy x Oliver ~ My First Kiss

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A/N: Drarry and Perciver are my two OTP's from Harry Potter, and god damn, I'll write a shit ton about them!

Also, Unlike many past one shots, Dumbledore's has speaking lines in this one. Wow, shocked, surprising. I know.


The snow set the scene for winter romances as the enchanting cold always seems to bring forth the warmth of love and burning passion, but also brought forth insatiable lust.

"Why is everyone making out!" Percy groaned as his face went crimson from either embarrassment, or the cold.

"Because they're in relationships with the person they're making out with?" Oliver bluntly spoke.

"You know that's not what I meant." Percy groaned.

"I know, I know. And besides, it beats me." Oliver shrugged.

"Were only thirteen so we don't have to think about it yet, still it's quite the spectacle..." Percy muttered.

Oliver stared at him slowly, "ya know Percy, you'd have a few girls if it wasn't for the way ya talked?"

"What's wrong with the way I talk? I'm perfectly normal among third years though my intellect is superior." Percy defended.

"You're never getting laid." Oliver sighed and started walking ahead.

"W-what's that supposed to mean!" Percy shuffled after him. "Oliver!" People simply smiled at the two as they walked by, thinking the pair was a cute set of pairs of complete opposites. Percy was scrawny and nerdy, while Oliver was built and extremely athletic. Had to be, being a keeper and all.

Percy sat with his two younger brothers in the courtyard, snow softly falling on them.

"What is it about people and... Love?" Percy muttered.

"Big bro. We're eleven." The twins reminded.

"Rights, you wouldn't have any experience either," Percy huffed and looked out towards the forbidden Forrest. Just simply looking for something to distract his mind.

"Percy?" The boy jumped when Oliver placed his hand in the boy's shoulder.

"Oh, Oliver, sorry, lost in thought." Percy muttered.

" I can see. Your brothers ran off while you were thinking." Oliver informed, causing Percy to look at the empty spot the twins were just sat.

"Of course they ran off." Percy sighed.

"You must've been thinking longer than you though. You've collected quite a bit of snow," Oliver chuckled as he brushed off all the snow on Percy. "Come on, let's go inside and get something warm to drink." Oliver offered his hand and Percy took it. The boy got to his feet and for some unknown reason, the ground got slippery. The pair fell, Percy falling forwards and on top of Oliver.

"Why did the ground suddenly turn to ice?" Percy exclaimed as he tried to get up, accidentally pushing down Oliver. "Ah! I'm sorry!" Oliver seemed a bit flushed.

"It's fine. Just get up, you're heavy." Oliver groaned.

"Rude, but I'll get up." Percy got to his feet and stepped back away from Percy, forgetting about the ice and sliding again, falling over the bench he was just sitting on and into a pile of snow. Not his proudest moment.

"Percy, you okay?" Oliver rose to his feet and rushed over, seemingly unaffected by the ice. Percy just groaned, his clothes wet from the snow. "Let's get you a change of clothes and something warm to drink." Oliver yanked the slightly disgruntled Percy up again and held his hand as he led him back to the dorms.

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