Harry x Draco ~ Parenthood

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A/N: I don't know if you noticed, but I love domestic one shots/stories because I find it adorable, so I just kinda had to.

The sound of music and laughing filled the air, the sweet aromas of rosemary and hints of tomatoes burned the nose. And standing in the kitchen with a classic, "kiss the cook" apron, was Draco Malfoy, happily making dinner. He was proud of himself for learning how to cook over the years, especially with his wonderful Lover's training and helpful hand.

Draco softly hummed as he waited for the water to boil. That night was Pasta night. A simple dish that Draco had fun making.

Draco was still getting used to a lot of things, ever since he joined the alarming loud Potter household. But for the most part, things were fine.

"Draco!!!" Draco moved away from the stove and noticed little seven year old teddy was running towards him. The werewolf child had grown fond of Draco, and with his abilities, changed his hair to the same blond as Draco's.

"Oh, teddy, what brings you?" Draco smiled. Teddy held up a picture he drew of himself and Draco. It was a sweet gesture and Draco took it from Teddy.

"This is a lovely photo Teddy." He smiled.

"Yay!" Teddy hugged Draco and Draco awkwardly hugged back. He still wasn't sure how to one hundred percent deal with Teddy, but had grown fond of the child.

"Harry, can you take Teddy out of the kitchen so I can finish cooking?" Draco shouted towards the living room, a cheerful and messy haired Harry peaking his head in. He walked over and pried Teddy off.

"You like Draco more than me!" Harry poured.

"Yup!" Teddy grinned.

"You wound me." Harry joked as Teddy ran off into the living room to keep drawing.

"He's such a cute kid." Draco smiled softly.

"He is. I'm glad I gee to raise him. It's not like I have children of my own." Harry shrugged.

"If I could give you a child, I would." Draco rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm happy where I am, the family I have." Harry smiled, walking over and capturing Draco's lips. Draco pulled away and shook his head.

"As much as I would love to kiss you, I'm making dinner." Draco chided.

"And to think, a few years ago you got scared because of a toaster." Harry smirked.

"You have to remember, this is the first time I've lived in the muggle world, even if the both of us still have wizardly jobs." Draco reminded.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyways, Teddy's going to be hanging at the Weasley's for the next week, so wanna go on a date? It's been so long since we've had one." Harry suggested.

"A date? Well, yeah, is live to go one one. Now, go make sure Teddy doesn't draw on the walls again." Draco smiled and Harry left the room in a hurry. "I love my family." Draco whispered, going back to cooking.

"You need to add more layers! It's the middle of winter!" Draco exclaimed, tightening a red scarf around Harry's neck. Harry smiled at Draco sweetly.

"You such a worry wart." Harry happily kissed Draco, who pulled away right after.

"The last time you forgot to layer your clothing, you caught a nasty cold!" Draco scowled.

Harry smiled, "I know, you only want what's best for me." When Draco's satisfied with what Harry was wearing, the two headed out.

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