Draco x Harry ~ A Little Time Travel

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A/N: remember when I made Harry Teddy and Draco meet their past selves? Yeah.


Harry fiddled with the ring, the words engraved on the side making his smile. His Draco, his Draco, had proposed. The stupid little nicknames they gave each other were carved inside the rings.

His held the infamous


While Draco's simply said

"Ferret "

To them, it was just old memories that now seemed fond. He slid the ring back on his finger and gazed outside. Soft winter snow came down in flurries, dancing in the wind.

A gentle knock sounded , and Harry glanced over, seeing Draco leaning against the empty door frame. He was smiling warmly at Harry, "you lonely?"

"A bit," Harry chuckled, "you going to leave me lonely?" Draco rolled his eyes and walked over, sitting next to Harry on the couch, throwing and arm around him.

"Better?" He asked Harry.

Harry snuggled closer, "much." He pecked Draco's lips as they sat looked outside in silence. It was a warm and comfortable silence they decided not to destroy, just let it play out.

Harry hummed softly, eyes closing for a brief moment, reminiscing about the times of the past.

"Draco?" He wondered aloud, eyes still closed, "do you ever wish we could go back to the past, not to change it, but to talk with ourselves, interact, just for nostalgias sake?"

Draco raised a brow, "you haven't been reading my potion books, have you?" He asked.

"What, no! Wait, why is that related?" Harry asked, eyes snapped open as he pushed himself up and looked at Draco suspiciously.

"There is a potion that can bring you to the past, and you can interact with the past, without changing it, like a time turner, but you can talk to yourself since once you leave, there's no trace of you ever being there." Draco explained, shifting to look at Harry better.

"Why haven't I heard of it before?" Harry interrogated, raising a brow.

Draco rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face, "because it's a super complex potion. Lucky for you, I know the right way to make it."

"Draco," Harry smiled, cupping Draco's cheeks with his hands, "I love you, but you're snobby sometimes."

"I know." The pair laughed and stayed where they were for a little longer.

"Okay, the potion will wear off after an hour." Draco informed as he pouted the oozing and foaming grey liquid into two cups.

"What time are we going back to?" Harry asked.

Draco smirked and pulled out something from his pocket. A sock... ew.... "well i already added it to the potion but this is the sock you have to Dobby that help set him free. We're going back to second year."

"But it's a sock, h-"

"When you have an object of any sort, and it's added to a potion, it sends you back to drastic or big moments that happened. So, second year," Draco explained and handed Harry a glass with the disgusting grey liquid.

He grimaced at it, "disgusting looking." He gagged.

"I can assure you, it tastes fine," Draco assured. The pair looked at each other and downed it. Surprisingly, Draco was right, the grey concoction tasted like warm milk and vanilla. They were thruster back in time, the whole sensation reminding Harry of how it felt to travel via port key.

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