Ron x Harry ~ Love Potion

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"Hermione, what are you doing?" Harry asked Hermione, seeing she was brewing a potion.

"Ron keeps ignoring me, so I'm taking matters into my own hand." Hermione said.

"Hermione, please don't tell me you're brewing a love potion?" Harry questions.

"I am." Hermione says, not looking at him.

"Hermione, don't stoop this low for a guy, it's kinda pathetic." Harry says.

"Pathetic? What about you trying to tell everyone Voldemort's back? Now that's pathetic!" Hermione exclaimed.

"He is back! Its sixth year Hermione! You should know he's back!" Harry shouted. Harry stormed out, but not before spilling the love potion on the ground.

The next day, Hermione slipped something in Ron's drink, planning to get back at Harry. She was sure having Ron drinking love potion to make him fall for Harry would be the perfect revenge.

"Morning 'Mione!" Ron exclaimed happily.

"Ready for the big game?" Harry asks his friend, ignoring Hermione.

"Definitely. Is there something I'm missing? You keep glaring at Hermione." Ron said. Hermione was shocked Ron wasn't acting any different.

"She tried to brew a love potion to make a guy like her." Harry said.

"Wow 'Mione, that's quite sad." Ron said. Hermione stomped off.

"Should we head to the field?" Harry asks his best mate.

"Yeah." The two boys set off. During the game, Hermione observed Ron. Why wasn't he acting different? The potion was supposed to make him fall for Harry. Hermione then realized.

"Oh my god! Ron is in love with Harry!" She muttered under her breath. Soon after the game ended, Gryffindor beating Slytherin easily, there was a small party held in the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey 'Mione." Ron said. Harry was standing next to them.

"I slipped a love potion in your drink this morning to make you fall for Harry. Why aren't you acting any differently?" She asked. Both boys nearly choked on their drinks.

"You what?" Ron exclaimed.

"I always knew you were crazy, but that's ridiculous!" Harry exclaimed.

"Well, based on the fact he didn't react any differently, I can tell that Ron's in love with you Harry." Hermione said. Ron turned redder than his hair.

"So? Maybe I'm in love with him as well." Harry said plainly. Hermione was in shock.

"What?" She asked.

"You heard me. Now leave." Harry said. Hermione stomped off.

"Wait, you're in love with me as well? I thought you liked Ginny?" Ron questions.

"Ron, I'm a straight as a damn circle." Harry said with a smile.

"So, would you want to go out sometime?" Ron questions.

"Sure." Harry says.


A/N: For once Hermione plays the role of the bitch. I do actually love Hermione's character, so don't hate me for this one shot.

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