Draco x Harry ~ Famous (AU)

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A/N: this request was suggested to me by the lovely @UnknownMarauder

I hope you enjoy this Drarry nonsense.

Also, I just started school today.... ugh.







Most people associate the term with all those words, but the flashing lights on super stars Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy told a different story.

Right off the bat, hardly into their careers, the two came out as a couple, and every time they were spotted in public, they were happily holding hands, sharing soft and sweet kisses, holding each other close.

At first, the media was sure they'd be pointless to cover, but as their fan base grew larger and larger, and everyone saw how amazing they could act together, on screen and off screen,  they took the world by storm. Fan art of them spread everywhere, as did fanfiction and so much more.

The couple even started a YouTube channel with their friends called HogwartsWizards , a joke they all shared from their time at Hogwarts boarding school. There, they shared old stories and did challenges and dares. Through each video, it was obvious that both Draco and Harry loved each other.

Thee group had also admitted that they dated each other, in many different combinations, considering how many people were a part of them channel, it made sense. Still, it shocked a couple people with how open the couple was.

Then the news came out...

They were getting married.

Every reporter wanted to talk to them about their engagement, but it became increasingly hard to talk to them as they engaged themselves with their work.

Though, one lucky day, Draco was out walking, without Harry since Harry was still working, and a few reporters got to him.

"Draco Malfoy, how does it feel to be marrying Harry Potter?" A reporter asked, shoving the microphone in his face.

"Well, I'm ecstatic, we've been dating for Merlin knows how long and finally, after all that time, were getting married." Draco fondly said. He wore a bright smile on his face and it was obvious that he was excited.

"Do you think your marriage will affect your work and/or popularity?" Another reporter asked.

Draco raised a brow, "our fans have supported us from the beginning, besides, if it would affect our acting, we would've seen it much sooner." Draco chuckled. His phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket. A small and warm smile played upon his lips and he let out a chuckle.

"I have to go, my fiancé is waiting." Draco moved to leave.

"Wait," a reporter blurted out, "are you wearing white at the wedding?" Draco paused and rolled his shoulders.

"I don't know that you heard. By in the one who proposed, if anyone's wearing the dress, it would be him. Besides, I think the dress we picked out suits him." Draco joked, winking at the reporters and left.

To say that Draco's comment spread everywhere was an understatement. It blew up, people were trying to decide if he was joking or not.

"Harry, have you seen my keys? My car keys, not my house keys." Draco asked as he looked around.

"Why do you need them? Thought today was your day off?" Harry asked as he walked in, the keys hanging from his index finger.

"I have to pick up a script, then I'll be right back." Draco admitted.

"They can wait a day. We only have so much time alone, I want to enjoy it without the stress of work." Harry chided, setting down the keys. "You can still go, if you choose, but you have to understand that your actions have consequences."

"You're ridiculous, I'll stay. Besides, you look more adorable than usual today." Draco smiled, stalking over and pressing his lips softly on Harry's. Harry smiled into the kiss as he gently grasped Draco's shirt. It was soft, like most of their kisses, and they were content with sharing these small amounts of affection.

"I love you," Draco hummed, his eyes filled with affection.

"I love you two you ferret." Harry teased, pulling away with a smile.

"Let's just relax. Want to watch a classic, or some cheesy film?" Draco asked as he flipped onto the couch. Harry smiled and sat down next to him, nuzzling into Draco.

"I'm fine with whatever." Harry smiled, pressing a kiss to Draco's cheek.

"I'm playing a kids movie about dogs then." Draco mumbled.

"I see Teddy has influenced you." Harry smirked.

"Of course, he over here way to often. Oh, Hotel for Dogs, Teddy loved that movie!" Draco exclaimed then flushed a bit.

"You are so adorable." Harry grinned.

"Sod off." The pair kinda laughed and made popcorn, watching a bunch of kids movies because they could.

"Oh Draco," Harry hummed, "the tuxes came in, they look amazing by the way, and my mother just had to help make my tux a bit better." Harry informed as he snatched a piece of popcorn.

"My mum is helping from what I'm aware. It's going to be quite a show." Draco chuckled.

"Wonder how they'll take the news about you know what." Harry shrugged.

"We wanted children and we adopted two already? I think they'll take it well. Those two should be back from bordering school in time for the wedding." Draco assured.

"You think it's ironic that they kinda hate each other but love each other, well, in a brotherly way this time." Harry questioned.

"Yeah, Albus and Scorpius remind me so much of us." Draco agreed.

"In other news, I heard you told the media I would be wearing a dress?" Harry interrogated.

"Let then wonder." Draco smirked.

"You're the only person who has ever seen me in a dress, and we both know how that experience went." Harry sighed.

Draco smiled at the memory, "I have never seen a piece of clothing rip such a violent fashion, it was wonderful."

"You are such an idiot. I love you for it though. After all, I said yes." Harry smiled as he fell against Draco.

"Love you two." The pair smiled at each other kindly and continued their movie marathon, the media still trying to figure out if Draco was joking or not.


A/N: hope you guys enjoyed! Love you!

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