Draco x Hermione ~ Meet Me In The Room Of Requirements

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A/N: I love you guys to pieces, but there is no way in hell that I'm doing a Draco x Ginny. I can't write anything like it without feeling uncomfortable. I may not like the ship I'm writing a one shot for, but it's better that Drinny.


Hermione was cornered by the one and only Draco. She was putting books back when he cornered her. His cold grey eyes had a mischievous look in them, and he bore the famous Malfoy smirk.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione asks in a harsh whisper.

"Do you really have to be rude, I only came to say you look beautiful today Granger." The cocky lad pushed away from Hermione and left the library. Hermione picked up a mirror that laid on a wooden table. Her teeth weren't big and almost rabbit like since third year. Her eyes were a calming brown that screamed kindness. Her hair was a frizzy mess that she couldn't tame. She wore dark jeans and a plain t-shirt.

'Did Malfoy think I was beautiful? Or was he under some sort of spell, or potion? Must be the latter.' Hermione thought with a frown. She shook her head to get rid of thoughts about Draco. Why did she care what he thought of her? Hermione sighed and made her way to the great hall. Tomorrow, break will begin. Hermione was, for once, stuck here. Harry and Ron were as well.

"Hey 'Mione!" Ron exclaimed happily. Ron, the soulless ginger, or what Hermione called him in her head, was grinning so widely, it stretched to his blue eyes.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Hermione questions, sitting across from her two friends.

"I heard Malfoy is crushing on a muggle born and his father found out. Draco's stuck here." Ron laughed.

'Poor Draco. Wait, what?' Hermione thought. Her eyes drifted to the Slytherin table where Draco was. He was wearing reading glasses as he read a book about muggles. Everyone at his table was quite surprised, but made no comment.

"Hermione, there's a price of paper sticking out of your jeans." Dean, who was sitting next to her said. Hermione moved her hand to her pocket and felt a small price of parchment. She pulled it out and silently read it to herself.

'You, me, room of requirements at seven. I need to tell you some things.

Love, yes I said love, love,

Hermione looked at the parchment and put it back in her pocket, thinking of ways to sneak out.

"Hey Harry, can I borrow your invisibility cloak tonight?" Hermione asks.

"No problem Hermione." Harry said. Hermione was quite glad that Harry didn't ask questions.

"Thanks." Hermione responded.

"Just promise me that when you see Draco, tell him I said he had a nice bum." Harry smiled.

"Can't contain your gayness for five minutes mate?" Ron questions with a slight chuckle.

"Ron, the day that happens is the day Seamus can do a potion without it exploding in his face." Harry said in a sassy tone.

"Hey!" Seamus exclaimed.

"So no one is mad I'm sneaking out to meet Draco?" Hermione asks.

"Not at all. You're smart Hermione, we know you'll be fine." Ron said.

Later that night, Hermione made her way to the room of requirements. Her bare feet hitting the cold floor. She saw the door appear and headed for it. She pulled off the cloak and folded it up before putting it in the pocket of her flannel pajama pants. She entered the room and saw Draco already there.

"Glad you can make it Granger." Draco smiled.

"Why did you call me here? I thought you hated muggleborn." Hermione snapped.

"Well, the thing is, I kinda fell in love with you." Draco said, trying to contain a blush that was heating his cheeks. His eyes were no longer a cold grey, but rather a piercing Mercury.

"Wait, what?" Hermione asked.

"I'm in love with you, alright?" Draco exclaimed.

"I am too." Hermione whispered. Draco looked shocked as he looked at her. He strode over, being a godly few inches taller than her, and leaned down to press his lips on hers. Hermione was caught off guard. When she didn't kiss back after a minute, Draco started to pull away. Hermione finally snapped out of her surprise and pulled him back and kissed him.

Draco's hands lowered to a little below her waist as he pulled her even closer. Hermione ran her fingers through his slicked gelled hair. When they finally stopped kissing, Hermione cracked a joke.

"Just so you know. Harry told me to tell you, that you have a nice bum." Hermione smiled. Draco let out a small chuckle.

"How is he? Didn't he get a boyfriend?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, he's dating Ron, strangely enough. The two spent the rest of the night with silly jokes and small stories and stolen kisses.


A/N: I really hated writing this......

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